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Sometimes in the morning, and oftener in the afternoon, when the sun has withdrawn from that part of the mansions, a young woman appears on the piazza with some mysterious Penelope web of embroidery in her hand, or a book. There is a hammock over there of pineapple fibre, it looks from here.

But he understood well enough what her smiles meant, and her pretty gestures, and he followed her. He sat down on a mat and she gave him slices of pineapple to eat. I can speak of Red only from hearsay, but I saw the girl three years after he first met her, and she was scarcely nineteen then. You cannot imagine how exquisite she was.

Put a layer of fruit in the kettle; when it begins to boil skim carefully; boil gently, for ten minutes; put in jars and seal. Then cook more of the fruit in similar fashion. If the fruit is not ripe it will require a longer time to cook. All fruit may be canned in this manner, if desired. PINEAPPLE, No. 1 The large juicy pineapple is the best for this purpose.

The food supply consists of plantain, yam, koko, sweet potatoes, maize, pumpkin, pineapple, and ochres, fish both wet and smoked, and flesh of many kinds including human in certain districts snails, snakes, and crayfish, and big maggot-like pupae of the rhinoceros beetle and the Rhyncophorus palmatorum. For sweetmeats the sugar-cane abounds, but it is only used chewed au naturel.

Stir hard until the sugar is dissolved, then add a pint of rum. Stand on ice twelve to twenty-four hours to blend and ripen. Put a small block of clear ice in the punch bowl, pour in the punch, then add to it either Maraschino cherries, or hulled small ripe strawberries, or pineapple or bananas, peeled and cut in tiny dice or a mixture of all these.

Smith accepted our invitation to supper, stating that he had just eaten before we arrived, but enjoyed some pineapple which we had kept for some special occasion, and which was served for dessert. Over the table we became better acquainted, and, after learning what we were doing, he recounted his experiences.

Unlike the banana, the pineapple does not do too well in newly burnt off scrub land, owing to the difficulty in working the ground and keeping it clean. It requires a thorough preparation of the soil prior to planting in order to be grown to perfection.

Melt butter in a stew pan, add the flour and milk and cook well; add the sugar and pineapple; add the yolks of eggs, one by one, and stir well; then add the whites of eggs whipped to a stiff froth; stir these in lightly; pour into a well-greased soufflée tin; steam one hour over water that just simmers, not boiling.

The fruit is round, about the size of a peach, the skin being rough and dark like a russet apple or a potato, but when fully ripe it is delicious, and melts away in the mouth like a custard. The pineapple, that king of fruits, though in itself presenting such a fine appearance, is the plainest of all in its humble manner of growth.

A pint of each cream will fill six dishes. Fill paper cases half full of pineapple water ice. Put over a layer of candied cherries chopped, then a layer of vanilla ice cream; smooth it quickly, place a marron glace in the centre, and garnish the cream with a meringue made from the whites of two eggs and two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Dust this with grated macaroons, and send to the table.