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She looked over her shoulder into the water, reached down, broke off a blossom of wild hyacinth, and, turning, drew it through the button-hole of his coat. "You certainly are very sweet to me," she said quietly. And, laughing a little: "The entire family adores you with pills and I've now decorated you with the lovely curse of our Southern rivers.

To these lectures go the wicked youths to cheer and joke and the timid to swallow the tasty pills, which would be harmless if administered to farmers' wives and pious drug-clerks but are rather dangerous medicine for these "future leaders of men." This octopus was strong enough to wind a sinuous tentacle about Richard Caramel.

However, she took advantage of his arriving at the supreme point of his emotion to dip her fingers in the box of vermilion and to mark his head without his perceiving it. After a certain time, the bonze glided from the bed, leaving the girl a little packet, and saying: "Here are some pills to assist your prayer. Take three-tenths of an ounce each day in hot water, and you will have a son."

He had lately given up smoking save those clandestine indulgences at the expense of Gashwiler because he was saving money against his great day. Elmer lighted one of his own little pills and made a further suggestion. "Say, how about settin' in a little game with the gang to-night after the store closes ten-cent limit?" "No, thanks," replied Merton, again firmly.

Whilst they chat they dispatch the affairs of the church, the order of services sealed with complicated seals for inferior pagodas situated in the neighborhood; or trace little prayers with a cunning paint-brush as medical remedies to be swallowed as pills by invalids at a distance.

No call for pills came that night from Muggs, asleep in a crib that had seen much service. He was awake however long before daylight, trembling with excitement. "Mike, oh Mike!" he called hoarsely. "Wake up. It's Christmas mornin'." Mike, in a big bed with Marty Fay, sat up. "Don't you dare open your mouth to-day!" he cried in blood-thirsty accents, "or Mom Murphy'll git ye surer'n scat.

I had enough of Cephalides, and Dr. Algardi prepared in my presence eighty-six pills containing eighteen grains of manna. I took one of these pills every morning, drinking a large glass of curds after it, and in the evening I had another pill with barley water, and this was the only sustenance I had.

"Don't you worry none, Roger," said Miss Mattie, kindly, with a drowsy smile. "Your mother is bein' took care of by a wonderful doctor. He makes the lame walk and the blind see and cures large pains with small pills. I am goin' to stick to my medicine. He didn't say to stop takin' it." "But, Mother, you mustn't take it when there is no need for it.

'Don't you see? said Bob. 'He goes up to a house, rings the area bell, pokes a packet of medicine without a direction into the servant's hand, and walks off. Servant takes it into the dining-parlour; master opens it, and reads the label: "Draught to be taken at bedtime pills as before lotion as usual the powder. From Sawyer's, late Nockemorf's.

The Egyptian doctor did not know a very great deal about medicine and sickness, but he made up for his ignorance by the nastiness of the doses which he gave to his patients. I don't think you would like to take pills made up of the moisture scraped from pig's ears, lizard's blood, bad meat, and decaying fat, to say nothing of still nastier things.