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"We'd better get some more sail on her," said the captain, still rubbing his hand as if rolling pills between them; "the pilot thinks so, and so do I." "All right, sir!" replied Mr Mackay; and going to the front by the rail, he shouted out forwards: "Hands make sail!"

That instead of bread and circuses, provided by the Roman patricians to keep the unemployed Roman mob from becoming restive, we give them trank pills and Telly violence." "Um-m-m," Holland nodded, "but that isn't the point I was making right now. What I was thinking was that at first the Roman games were athletic affairs without bloodshed.

Without word said they looked at the little gray pills rolling about on the bottom of the box ... A remedy compounded by some man in a distant land famed for his wisdom ... And they felt the awe of the savage for his broth of herbs simmered on a night of the full moon beneath the medicineman's incantations. Maria asked doubtfully: "Is it certain that her trouble has only to do with the kidneys?"

I think life has not yet done with the vivacious Ricord, whom I remember calling the Voltaire of pelvic literature, a sceptic as to the morality of the race in general, who would have submitted Diana to treatment with his mineral specifics, and ordered a course of blue pills for the vestal virgins. Ricord was born at the beginning of the century, and Piorry some years earlier.

Noticing his presence, and continuing to put bottles into the basket, she answered: "I thought I must they're what dear Mother's given us." There they lay little bottles filled with white and brown fluids, white and blue and brown powders; green and brown and yellow ointments; black lozenges; buff plasters; blue and pink and purple pills. All beautifully labelled and corked.

V, made into two pills, and one given morning and evening, or more frequently if desirable. A seton placed in the poll will often prevent these attacks, particularly when depending upon slight cerebral irritation, accompanying distemper and mange. Blisters and frictions to the spine are also serviceable.

"I find I've mislaid or forgotten to bring my box of Remedial pills. I don't know what I shall do without them." "I've got a box of Brandeth's pills downstairs," said Clinton. "You're welcome to a part of them, I'm sure." "They wouldn't do! What can you be thinking of, young man? Do you think there's no difference between pills?" "I'm sure I can't tell, don't you know?"

I thought of writing him a letter, advising a couple of anti-bilious pills before bedtime for a few weeks. Jasper glanced at Alfred Yule, who wore a look of indifference. 'That man deserves penal servitude in my opinion, pursued John. 'I'm not sure that it isn't my duty to offer him a couple of hundred a year on condition that he writes no more.

"I says to him, 'Doc, ain't you an allopathy? And he says, 'Yes, certainly. 'Well, I says, 'if you go and be a Christian Science you can't be no allopathy, Doc. Christian Science and allopathy don't mix, I says, 'and you'd starve, that's what you'd do. I leave it to you, Doc, if you quit big pills, how'd you ever git a livin'? There ain't no big pills set down in the Christian Science book.

"If he comes to life again, he will be after taking us all three down his ugly mouth, like so many pills, at a gulp." "I suspect the gash you gave him must have somewhat spoiled his digestion, though, Tim," I observed. "Arrah, then, I will be after giving him another, to make sure," exclaimed my companion, severing the snake's head at a blow.