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If a Pain is felt in any Part of the Head, the AETHER must be applied to that Part occasionally, and it must be previously shaved, if necessary. It will be proper to give a small Dose of Tinctura Sacra, or of the Pill. Rufi, at proper Intervals, as once a Week or Fortnight. It will also, in most Cases, be necessary to give now and then a Vomit.

There never had been so complete an atonement as he would offer. The nauseous pill of self-reproach was so thickly sugared and gilded by this inspiration that in a while he was not only able to take it without making wry faces, but with an actual sense of relish and self-approval.

The British public likes a pellet of reason in its jam of eloquence a pill of reason in its pudding of sentiment," he said, sharpening the phrase to a satisfactory degree of literary precision. His eyes rested, with something of the vanity of an author, upon the yellow leaflet which Mary held in her hand.

This made it possible for all necessary munitions to move forward. One thing that was annoying to our advance was the German "pill boxes" in which machine gunners were placed. These pill boxes were of concrete. They were round and flat, a few square, and took their name because of their resemblance to a pill box.

It was very hot in the tent, and not one of the girls spoke a word; they sat perfectly still before the old woman, and did not stir a finger, excepting now and then to take up one of the porous clay pitchers, which stood on the ground, for a draught of water, or to put a pill of Kyphi between their painted lips.

From what source a knowledge of the ingredients requisite for the composition of a pill for such a diabolical purpose was derived, or whether, indeed, the pill was effective or diabolical at all, remains a mystery, inasmuch as none of her medicine seems to have been subjected to chemical analysis.

"Not all the damage was done by the Germans," the major explained. "Naturally, when they were pouring in death from the cover of a house, our guns let drive at that house," he went on. "The owners of the houses that were hit by our shells are rather proud proud of our marksmanship, proud that we gave the unwelcome guest a hot pill to swallow." For ten days the Bavarians had Gerbéviller.

Love isn't a mere emotion, either that is all fol-de-rol and fizzle! it's the false basis of modern romance. Love is reason not a nervous phenomenon. Love is a sane passion, founded on a basic knowledge of good and evil. That's what love is; the rest!" he lifted the book, waved it contemptuously, and pushed it farther away "the rest is neuritis; the remedy a pill. I'm going to bed; are you?"

Give an alterative ball every morning. '14th'. The alteratives have been continued, and there is a slow but evident decrease of the abdomen. '18th'. I cannot detect any effusion in the abdomen. Give a pill every alternate day for a fortnight. At the expiration of this period the dog was apparently well. 'April 23d', 1822. A terrier, ten years old, had cough and mange, which ceased.

"I'm all light, I tied a bit o' line round the place. You can give me a pill or a shedlicks powder or something o' that kind to-morrow if you like." "Hold your tongue, Neb, and let the doctor tie you up," growled Bob Hampton. "What's the use of being so jolly independent? Don't you take no notice o' what he says, sir. Dessay he's got a reeg'lar hole in him." "Tut tut tut!" muttered Mr Frewen.