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On some parts of the coast their dead bodies have been found washed back to land in quantities incredible. At one place the sea threw them upon the beach, until they lay piled up in a ridge four feet in height, and fifty miles in length!

The panniers were indeed not only filled to the top, but piled up with much skill and care, so that the load met over the animal's back. "It is not a very heavy load for the ass, though it looks so large," said Francisco. "The poor fellow, however, shall have a little of this water," added he, leading the ass to a pool by the roadside.

"Bring them here and let me see them." As he uttered these words, he readily stretched out his hands and took them over, and upon opening the box and looking in, he discovered, in fact, two twigs of a novel and artistic kind of artificial flowers, of piled gauze, made in the palace. Tai-yue merely cast a glance at them, as Pao-yue held them.

Probably the obscurity caused by the smoke, as well as the slight slope of the ground towards us, accounted for this piled up appearance, for it was something which could not possibly occur. But the slaughter had been fearful.

"If this is typical, we have rock three feet thick, ten feet wide, and twenty feet long piled up in front of us. That makes six hundred cubic feet of rock." "But it can't be typical," Scotty disagreed. "If three feet had fallen uniformly, it wouldn't have filled the tunnel. It must be much thicker right over the broken timbers." "Not a very cheerful prospect, is it?"

Next day it was to his house, in the strange, teeming Jewish quarter that we went first of all; but Nell and Phyllis were heartsick to find the rooms, once rich in treasures, piled untidily with "curiosities" of no great beauty or value.

Into those nobody had come for many a year; the dust witnessed it. Back of one room, the chapel, was a little low doorway; very low. I crept through and there in the inner place, lay piled the skeletons of the old hermits; skulls and bones, just as they had been laid while the flesh was still upon them; the dust was inches deep. A hundred feet higher up there are more caverns.

B and B' are two series of regenerating chambers lined with refractory brick, and, besides, filled with refractory bricks piled up as shown in the figure. The partitions, C and C', are likewise of refractory brick, and are rendered as air-proof as possible.

Our corps had fought at close range for eight hours. Behind the works the rebel dead were lying literally piled one upon another, and wounded men were groaning under the weight of bodies of their dead companions. The loss to the rebels in prisoners and guns was also great.

Blinded men from prostrate camels piled the stores to windward round, And within the barrier herded, on the hot, unstable ground. Two whole days the great wind lasted, when the living of the train From the hot drifts dug the camels and resumed their way again. But the lines of care grew deeper on the master's swarthy cheek, While around the weakest fainted and the strongest waxéd weak;