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The London attorney was making rapidly for the door, when he was met by the advancing Pigtop, who thrust him again into the apartment, and then boldly faced the priest the latter still in his canonicals, the former dressed as a sectarian preacher. Their antipathy was mutual and instantaneous.

And, so your father actually did send that old lord to look after you at your return from the West Indies. Well, that shows some affection for you, at all events." "The fruits of which affection Daunton is, no doubt, now reaping." "Well, let us go and cut his throat, or rather, turn him over to the hangman." "No, Pigtop; I have promised his mother that I will not attempt his life."

"I can't," said he, shuddering; "the chasm is awfully deep." "You must, or die the death of the felon." "Oh, what shall I do!" "Cast off the lashing just above you," said Pigtop; "pass it over the crosspiece over your head, make a running noose, put it under your arms, and keep the other end of the rope in your hand.

Pigtop had the pluck natural to Englishmen he would rather not have fought just then; but, having once begun, he seemed resolved to see it out manfully. The consequence was to use a common and expressive phrase I beat him to within an inch of his life, and then cried with vexation, because he could no longer stand up to be beaten out of the little that my fury had left him.

"And, when Lady Aurelia Cosway and her five beautiful daughters drive up to the door, will you go and receive them in the ball; and, making them a profound curtsey, beg to conduct them into a dressing-room?" "No; because, d'ye see, no ladies ever came further than your door." "And whom may I thank for that?" "Me, assuredly," said Pigtop, very proudly. "I do."

Pigtop made no answer, but pointed to his scarred and disfigured lip, with a truly ferocious grin. It is necessary for the fully understanding of the catastrophe that ensued, that I describe the site of the old building in which such startling events were passing.

"But are you sure of all this, Bill?" said Mr Staines. "Because, if he should turn out to be somebody, I'll make him pay me for my traps; that's as certain now as that he'll be sent to Old Davy." "Certain sure. He showed the doctor papers enough to set up a lawyer's shop. But that's not the best of it hum ha! Do you think, Mr Pigtop, that Mr Rattlin's caulking?"

When the rascal's steps were no longer heard, "Now, Pigtop," said I, "show your pluck, help me to lock and bar the hall-door good so one bloodhound is disposed of; he dare not make a noise, lest he should rouse the establishment. Now follow me but, hark ye, no murder: the reptile's life must be spared."

"Captain Reud's compliments to Mr Pigtop, and would be glad of his company to dinner." Angelic words, when the invited reefer has a clean shirt, or collar, and a decent uniform. "`Mr Pigtop's compliments to Captain Reud, and will be most happy to wait on him. There, you dogs," said the elated Pigtop, "I say no more lending of clothes.

Barbers in the act of office have, like the House of Commons, the privilege of speech. They are not amenable afterwards for what they say. In the act they are omnipotent, for who would quarrel with a man who is slipping a razor over your carotid artery? Not, certainly, Mr Pigtop. Thus spoke Joshua, amid the eloquent flourishes of his instrument: