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In a quarter of an hour, ladies, the prince will be here." "Very good," said I, "but as the prince is coming I must go to the felucca and fetch a capital pie of which the prince is very fond, I know. Come, ladies." "You can leave them here, sir. I will undertake to keep them amused." "I have no doubt you would, but they have some things to get from the felucca as well."

Brinsden said, she should have no better than the rest of his family, who were like to be contented with the same, except his eldest daughter for whom he had provided a pie, and towards whom on all occasions he showed a peculiar affection, occasioned as he said, from the care she took of his other children and of his affairs, though malicious and ill-natured people gave out that it sprang from a much worse and, indeed, the basest of reasons.

"Well, sah," beamed Uncle Noah, "we has ham an' turkey, an' cranberry sauce an' celery, an' baked apples an' mince pie an' fruitcake an' an' laws-a-massy, Massa, I'se too kerflusterated to ricomember any mo'." "We'll have them all!" cried the Colonel. A terrific gobbling arose beneath the dining-room window, and the Major rose and stared out in astonishment.

With these words Salina spread down the crust of her pie, and lifting the platter on one hand cut around it with a flourish of the case-knife, and began a pinching the edges with a determined pressure of the lips, as if she had quite made up her mind that every indentation of her thumb should leave its fellow on uncle Nat's insensible heart.

All but Ben, he's got to go to work, you know." "When will you make the pie, then?" cried Joel, trying to smother his disappointment, and finding it hard work to do so. "Just as soon as ever this jell is done and out of the way," said Mother Pepper, in her cheeriest tones. "So, Polly, fly at getting the breakfast ready, and when that's eaten, we'll all, except Ben, tackle the jell."

"When I insisted upon his having a third piece of pie, the hobo said: 'No, Major, t'anks, I got to ring off or I'll break de bank. "He, for once, had enough. I gave him a cigar. He sat down to smoke contented, I thought. I paid the bill; things are high in Montana, you know his part was $2.85. My hobo friend saw $3.55 rung up on the cash register. Then I went over and sat down beside him.

As I can not, at present, I shall just sit tight and look on, occasionally putting my finger just far enough in the pie to stir things up and make them merry." He rose and getting into his coat and hat sauntered toward the door. "But, Horace" Hayden started after him "what do you mean by predicting that I shall soon hear of The Veiled Mariposa?"

The pioneer wives of America learned to make a pie out of every fruit that grows, including lemons, and from many vegetables, including squash and sweet potatoes, as well as from vinegar and milk and eggs and flour. Fed on these good pies the pioneers is there any significance in the first syllable of the word hewed down the woods and laid the continent under the plow.

Not that he'll have any hair in a year or two, because he's pretty thin on the top already, and before he knows where he is he'll be as bald as an egg, and he's the last man who can afford to go bald. And I think it's simply disgusting, the way he gorges all the time. Do you know, I found him in the larder at one o'clock this morning, absolutely wallowing in a steak-and-kidney pie?

No, Hans Eitelfritz, no! I am not jesting, I mean it. I am Navarrete! Nay more! If you keep your mouth shut, and the devil doesn't put his finger into the pie, I think, spite of all the Zorrillos, I shall be Eletto to-morrow. "You know the Spanish temper! The German Ulrich will be a very different person to them from the Castilian Navarrete. It is in your power to spoil my chance."