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He has a snug room, entirely to himself, at Squire Hinkley's, and, by the excellent care of the worthy dame, it is provided with the best bedding and the finest furniture. Her own hands sweep it clean, morning and night, for the incipient parson; she makes up the bed, and, in customary phrase, puts it in all respects to rights.

After a', there's baith gude and ill about the gipsies. This, and some other desultory conversation, served as a 'shoeing-horn' to draw on another cup of ale and another 'cheerer, as Dinmont termed it in his country phrase, of brandy and water.

It has come to this at last: that the phrase "she has a will of her own," or "he has a will of his own" has come to denote a person of exceptional obstinacy and self-assertion. And even persons of good natural disposition, if brought up to expect such deference, are roused to unreasoning fury, and sometimes to the commission of atrocious crimes, by the slightest challenge to their authority.

"About that last block of traction stock, Mr. Hastings. I thought you were going to let me in on the ground floor. But I ain't heard nothing." "You ARE in," said Hastings, who knew when to yield. "Hasn't Barker been to see you? I'll attend to it, myself." "Thank you, Mr. Hastings," said Kelly dry and brief as always when receipting with a polite phrase for pay for services rendered.

Great as was his genius and admirable as were many of his institutions, Akbar, to use a homely phrase, fell between two stools to the ground. He himself ceased to be a Mahomedan without becoming a Hindu, whilst the great bulk at least of his subjects still remained at bottom Mahomedans and Hindus as before.

In order, then, to estimate retrospectively, the number of strokes sounded, I tried to reconstruct this phrase in thought; my imagination made one stroke, then two, then three, and as long as it did not reach the exact number, four, my feeling, when consulted, was qualitatively different.

I will not call it a faith or an intuition, for those words are mixed up with mere emotion, it is strictly an intellectual conviction; but it is a primary intellectual conviction like the certainty of self or the good of living. Any one who likes, therefore, may call my belief in God merely mystical; the phrase is not worth fighting about.

It was faintly upturned at the corners, as in archaic Greek art; she had, in the slightest and most gracious degree, what Logan, describing her once, called 'the AEginetan grin. This gave her an air peculiarly gay and winsome, brilliant, joyous, and alert. In brief, to use Chaucer's phrase, She was as wincy as a wanton colt, Sweet as a flower, and upright as a bolt.

"You boys come along with us," he continued, speaking to the Hawaiians; "we give you good pay and treat you right." "Yes, yes," they agreed smilingly, adding, "Wele ke hau." This was their native phrase of enthusiasm; in other words, their college yell. So they took the place of the oarsmen in the black boat, and trailed the other behind.

Men join them to-day from all motives, but the religious is the only one to which they may safely be trusted. He has rescued the jewel from the dust-heap of tradition, and holds it up, shining, before our eyes." Alison looked at her companion. "That," she said, "is a very beautiful phrase." Bedloe Hubbell smiled queerly. "I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I can't usually talk about it.