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But when she was on her feet she moved about with a kind of aimless activity, opening drawers and shutting them and reopening them and speaking to herself the while, until Jeanne, catching my puzzled expression, would whisper loudly in my ear with a tolerant smile, "Elle est très VIEILLE." Jeanne had acquired a habit of raising her voice, owing to Madame's deafness, which resulted in her whispers partaking of the phonetic quality of those stage asides which, by a curious convention, while audible at the very back of the dress circle, are quite inaudible to the other characters on the stage.

They knew the dressing of stone; they were distinctly agricultural and depended more on that than anything else for their food supply. They had developed a system of mnemonic records which, in the Yucatan culture, might be called picture writing, but was not phonetic writing in our true sense of the term. The also knew something about weighing and measuring.

Young's specific discoveries were these: That many of the pictures of the hieroglyphics stand for the names of the objects actually delineated; that other pictures are sometimes only symbolic; that plural numbers are represented by repetition; that numerals are represented by dashes; that hieroglyphics may read either from the right or from the left, but always from the direction in which the animal and human figures face; that proper names are surrounded by a graven oval ring, making what he called a cartouche; that the cartouches of the preserved portion of the Rosetta Stone stand for the name of Ptolemy alone; that the presence of a female figure after such cartouches in other inscriptions always denotes the female sex; that within the cartouches the hieroglyphic symbols have a positively phonetic value, either alphabetic or syllabic; and that several different characters may have the same phonetic value.

A drift that begins as a slight phonetic readjustment or unsettlement may in the course of millennia bring about the most profound structural changes.

These parallelisms in drift may operate in the phonetic as well as in the morphological sphere, or they may affect both at the same time. Here is an interesting example. The English type of plural represented by foot: feet, mouse: mice is strictly parallel to the German Fuss: Füsse, Maus: Mäuse.

R. S. Williams: Peruvian Mosses. Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club, XLIII, 323-334, June, 1916. 4 pl. Many people have asked me how to pronounce Machu Picchu. Quichua words should always be pronounced as nearly as possible as they are written. They represent an attempt at phonetic spelling.

One of the most curious facts that linguistics has to note is the occurrence of striking phonetic parallels in totally unrelated or very remotely related languages of a restricted geographical area. These parallels become especially impressive when they are seen contrastively from a wide phonetic perspective. Here are a few examples.

No measurement of any stellar parallax, however minute and whatever the result might be, could have any bearing on its truth. Geometry is the science of the pure forms of our motor activity amidst corporeal bodies. A useful illustration of our argument is to be drawn from a consideration of the question of phonetic spelling.

Though doubtless it was in the beginning a mere picture-writing, like that of the Mexicans, it had already, at the first moment we meet with it, undergone a twofold development ideographic and phonetic; the one expressing ideas, the other sounds.

On forming a community, Joseph Baumeler, who had been a leading man among them, was chosen to be their spiritual as well as temporal head. His name probably proved a stumbling-block to his American neighbors, for he presently began to spell it Bimeler a phonetic rendering. Thus it appears in deeds and other public documents; and the people came to be commonly spoken of as "Bimmelers."