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"I wish you had come a few minutes before. I thought you were in Paris." "The wire calling me to Paris was a fake," growled John Minute. "I wired for confirmation, and discovered my Paris people had not sent me any message. I only got the wire just before the train started. I have been spending all the afternoon getting on to the phone to Paris to untangle the muddle.

When the bell rings, whoever is nearest answers and calls the person who is wanted. So Frank, standing in Bill's doorway and close to the phone, stepped out and took down the receiver. While he waited for an answer, he leaned his elbow on the sill of the window beside him and idly scanned the confusion of papers on the big desk shoved close to the sill inside. A strong wind fluttered the papers.

"Come back here! Where you goin'?" Brown returned, looking surprised and anxious. "Oh!" he exclaimed, "are you awake?" "Course I'm awake! What a fool question that is. Think I'm settin' up here and talkin' in my sleep?" "Well, I didn't know." "Why didn't you know? And, see here! what did you mean by sayin' you was goin' to 'phone the doctor or the superintendent, one or t'other? Yes, you said it.

"Mamma has arranged it by phone." "Then I won't see you any more here?" "No." "Do you love me, Suzanne?" "Oh, yes, yes," she declared, and walked wearily to an angle of the wall where they could not be seen. He followed her quickly, cautiously. "Kiss me," he said, and she put her lips to his in a distraught frightened way.

I had her over the 'phone just now, and her voice was trembling with eagerness as she said, 'Do tell him to please come and see me." This note, so like his sister, so full of her audacities, touched Morton on the quick. It was plain that she was more than half-seas over towards faith in the girl, and quite ready to take her up and exhibit her among her friends.

Also I wished to pick up threads of former experiences and acquaintanceships ... to have a good gossip about the Eos Art Community ... I called up Laston Meunier who had been at Eos and whom I had first met there ... who loved bohemian ways, and welcomed wandering artistic and literary folk at his home in Buffalo. "Where are you now?" Laston asked, over the phone.

"You didn't do anything very dreadful to me, Vernon." "But I promised to spy on you." "That's all right. Wiley is in this affair simply on a business deal as he told you to-day, although I doubt the squareness as far as he is concerned. But I'm out for higher stakes " She paused, clinching her hands. "Never mind about that. I'm going to 'phone Mr. North, and see if we can catch him at home."

See to the 'phone, Miss Webster," Nancy said, in a tone of quiet but definite authority. "I shall be with Mr. Peterman. Don't ring me unless it's something important. That summary. Is it ready?" "It's being checked right now." "Well, speed them up. You can send it up directly it's through. Mr. Peterman is needing it." Nancy passed out of the room. Her discipline was strict.

I guess the wire will stand that extra sentence, maybe and you can phone in yourself, if you want to convince them ab-so-lutely. What?" "Well, who'd ever have thought that I might phone a message to Kate! Down there in that hole of a place where we live, one can scarcely believe that there are telephones in the world. Let's hurry, then. Kate will be perfectly wild till she hears that I am safe.

This was to have one of the operators in the central exchange on the watch. As soon as Mrs. Damon's house was in connection with another telephone, the location of the latter would be noted, and another private detective would be sent there. Thus Tom hoped to catch the man at the 'phone. Meanwhile Tom listened to the hoarse voice at the other end of the wire, giving the directions to Mrs. Damon.