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The reasons were first, the advantage of the boys themselves; for John Halifax was not one of those philanthropists who would benefit all the world except their own household and their own kin.

It is one of the beautiful compensations of this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself OUR NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBOR. Why is it that almost all philanthropists and reformers are disagreeable? I ought to explain who our next-door neighbor is.

That pamphlet is translated into Russian by some Russian philanthropists of aristocratic rank and evangelical aspirations, and has been distributed gratis for the enlightenment of the people. The case of Richard is interesting because it’s national.

And even when the truth gets recognised, the obstacles to conformity with it are so persistent as to outlive the patience of philanthropists and even of philosophers. We may be sure, therefore, that the difficulties in the way of a normal government of children, will always put an adequate check upon the efforts to realise it.

He was one of those persons, now styled "philanthropists" or "friends of progress," who take an interest in every question or project of their time promising social improvement, have always some iron in the fire, are constantly forming committees or writing letters to persons of influence, and altogether live for the public.

What right had "Mr. Bast" to profit? The National Gallery was good enough for the likes of him. After property had had its say a saying that is necessarily ungracious the various philanthropists stepped forward. Something must be done for "Mr. In short, he might be given anything and everything so long as it was not the money itself. And here Margaret interrupted.

We have professional diners-out, professional beauties, professional Christians, then why not professional philanthropists? This brilliant century of ours has nothing to do with the word charity, as it savours too much of stealthy benevolence, so it has substituted in its place the long word philanthropy, which is much more genteel and comprehensive.

Philanthropists or statesmen may environ him with more genial circumstances, and so enable his propensities to work more directly for the good of society; but to punish him to punish nature for daring to be nature! Never!

How presume to rebuke those earnest philanthropists, who, to judge from their habitual language, are firmly of opinion that annihilation of one half of mankind would be a small price to pay for conversion of the other moiety into citizens of a world-wide Red Republic; or those admirers of Prince Bismarck, who, holding national aggrandisement to be the national summum bonum, deem the most solemn treaties that might impede it to be obstacles which it is obligatory on a patriot to set aside?

For ashamed as I am to say it, I am at the end of my resources, and if some help does not come, I do not know what will become of me." Thyrsis had now tried all varieties of the great and successful of the earth the publishers and editors and authors, the college professors and clergymen, the statesmen and capitalists and philanthropists. And now, for the first time, he tried the Socialists.