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At the time, however, the plot enraged me, for the lady conceived the absurd idea that I had sent Pettigrew to her. Undoubtedly it was a bold stroke. Pettigrew's scheme was to play upon his hostess's attachment for me by hinting to her that if I gave up smoking I would probably die.

You know that." "I know that of course; but " "It won't be at all pleasant for you when Miss Pettigrew comes out with that plan of hers for marrying Lalage to Vittie. There'll be a horrid row. From what I know of Lalage I feel sure that she'll resent the suggestion.

Then in his stocking feet he walked along the corridor till he stood in front of Jefferson Pettigrew's door. He was in doubt as to whether he would not be obliged to pick the lock, but on trying the door he found that it was not fastened. He opened it and stood within the chamber. Cautiously he glanced at the bed. Mr. Pettigrew appeared to be sleeping soundly.

They never use the big chimney in the summer, but cook in the wash-house. Nor do I wish to dwell on what H. O. did when he went into the dairy. I do not know what his motive was. But Mrs Pettigrew said SHE knew; and she locked him in, and said if it was cream he wanted he should have enough, and she wouldn't let him out till tea-time.

Bagby and wife and the young ladies just mentioned devote their time to the school, leaving only two to man a field which, because of its splendid railroad facilities, has in it scores of inviting locations for successful work. In Paranagua in the next State to the South, have been located recently R. E. Pettigrew and wife.

They talked it all over and decided that it wouldn't be healthy for him to buy a four-time winner and make a bad showing with him the first time out. He wants the horse for a gambling tool, all right enough, but he won't be foolish enough to do any cheating with Eliphaz at this track. Engle says himself that he don't dare take a chance not with old Pettigrew laying for him on general principles.

Some hosses run better hot; some run better cold.... Fourteen hundred fifteen hundred, and O. K. Better not forget that, Jimmy." "I won't, old-timer. Guess I better take him now, eh?" "As well now as any other time. He's your hoss." Major Ewell Duval Pettigrew was an early riser, but he was barely into his trousers when a bell boy tapped at his door.

The consequence was that there was an influx of mining men, and within a week Rodney and Jefferson were offered a hundred thousand dollars for a half interest in the mine by a Chicago syndicate. "Say a hundred and fifty thousand, and we accept the offer," said Jefferson Pettigrew.

Marriot and Gilray and Scrymgeour signed to Jimmy, as if some plan of action had been arranged, and Jimmy said huskily, sitting upon the hearth-rug: "Pettigrew isn't coming. He was afraid he would break down." Then we began to smoke. It was as yet too early in the night for my last pipe, but soon I regretted that I had not arranged to spend this night alone.

He had no reason to suppose, therefore, that Mr. Pettigrew had been enlightened as to his real character. It was therefore with his usual confidence that he accosted his acquaintance from Montana after supper. "It is time to go to the theater, Mr. Pettigrew," he said. Jefferson Pettigrew scanned his new acquaintance with interest.