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There could be no doubt, from the tone of Miss Petrie's voice, that she now regarded this star, however bright, as one of a sort which is subjected to falling. "I am going to take a very nice young woman," said Mr. Glascock. "I hate that word woman, sir, uttered with the half-hidden sneer which always accompanies its expression from the mouth of a man." "Sneer, Miss Petrie!"

The notion that such carved eyes or ears actually served to transmit impressions to the god is well illustrated by Professor Petrie's discovery at Memphis of a number of votive ears of the god, intended to facilitate or to symbolise his reception of the prayers of his votaries.

His friends suspected that he had got permanently stuck somewhere about the period of the introduction of Christianity into the island. His essays, published in the Croppy, dwelt with passionate regret on the departed glories of Tara. He held strong views about the historical reality of the Tuath-de-Danaan, and got irritated at the most casual mention of Dr. Petrie's theory of the round towers.

Loftie's charming Essay of Scarabs, which is in fact a catalogue of his own specimens, admirably illustrated from drawings by Mr. W.M.F. Petrie; and Mr. Petrie's Historical Scarabs, published 1889. These twin vases are still made at Asûan. I bought a small specimen there in 1874. The sepulchral vases commonly called "canopic" were four in number, and contained the embalmed viscera of the mummy.