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"Ef she topples, I'll git to heaven quicker'n a bullet." When one is shanghaied, however, in the hands of buccaneers, it is too late to withdraw. Six shoulders upheld the rear end of the Petrel, others shoved, and Thomas Jefferson's rickety horse began to move forward in spite of himself.

He resigned, the Government fell, and the Cabinet dissolved automatically. Hertzog was left out in the cold. The Governor-General immediately re-appointed Botha Prime Minister and he reorganized his Cabinet without the undesirable Hertzog. Hertzog became the Stormy Petrel of South Africa, vowing vengeance against Botha and Britain.

The fact was that they both needed a tonic. And they got it. Mrs. Bremmil can afford to laugh now, but it was no laughing matter to her at the time. You see, Mrs. Hauksbee appeared on the horizon; and where she existed was fair chance of trouble. At Simla her bye-name was the "Stormy Petrel." She had won that title five times to my own certain knowledge.

The form of its beak and nostrils, length of foot, and even the colouring of its plumage, show that this bird is a petrel: on the other hand, its short wings and consequent little power of flight, its form of body and shape of tail, the absence of a hind toe to its foot, its habit of diving, and its choice of situation, make it at first doubtful whether its relationship is not equally close with the auks.

She stood there ignoring the thanks poured out on her. "Steady, Hazel!" she called. "Win win for me!" That was enough. The motor girls, those in the Petrel, realizing that their leader was safe, now determined to "win for her." The Mischief had gained in the time that Cora swung overboard, and now was just abreast of the Petrel.

Thus it is that our craft has the honour to be called the United States ship the `Poughkeepsie, instead of the `Arrow, or the `Wasp, or the `Curlew, or the `Petrel, as might otherwise have been the case. But the wisdom of Congress is manifest, for the plan teaches us sailors geography." "Yes, sir, yes, one can pick up a bit of l'arnin' in that way cheap. The Poughkeepsie, Captain ?"

"Look here, Branks," he added, "we can't let this kid blow the gaff on us to Lem Vinton. Why, the cap'n wouldn't wait ten minutes before he'd sail out to find that blamed cutter ag'in; and then we'd have him and the Petrel on our trail." "Harry, you're right -dead right. The boy has got to come with us, until " "Sure! Here, lend a hand. Tie his arms."

It being the winter of the southern hemisphere, the members of the petrel family, at other times so abundant in the South Pacific, were by no means so numerous as I had expected to find them, and in the higher southern latitudes which we attained before rounding Cape Horn, albatrosses had altogether disappeared, although they had been abundant as far to the southward as 41 degrees South.

The stately forest withered, blazed for a brief moment, and vanished in its fatal embrace, and now it came sweeping down the steep declivity toward the bay. This terrible sight aroused and vivified the paralysed energies of those on board the Petrel.

Master Ratsey made another excuse that he did not need the hammer now, as he had found out that all that was wanted was a little pointing with new mortar. 'But if you have such time to waste, John, he added, 'you can come tomorrow and help me to get new thwarts in the Petrel, which she badly wants.