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He walked straight up to me with an unwonted look of perturbation about him. "Could you come with me at once?" he said in low, hurried tones. "Where?" said I, feeling quite alarmed. "What is the matter?" "With me, to my room. I need the help of some woman, but there is no time to waste. I will explain en route. Will you come?" "Certainly, at once," and I walked out with him.

A lifetime of petting, of indulgence, threw its soothing influence over her perturbation, convincing her that somehow all this storm and stress must be phantasmagoric a dream from which she was even now awakening into a clearer day of happiness. "For you love me, father," she concluded, and looked up daintily, with a pathetic, coquettish tilt of her fair head, to peer into his face.

And Parks, wondering, puzzled and, perhaps, a bit perturbed watched the pilot swing down the Jacob's ladder, and make across the water toward his craft, with wonderment, puzzlement, perturbation no bit abated. Schuyler paced the deck all that day. Lunch he did not touch. Dinner found him undesirous of food.

Bailey and Asaph were wildly curious. They, of course, connected the stranger's arrival with the mysterious letter and the captain's perturbation of the day. But their curiosity was not to be satisfied, at least not then. "How are you, gents?" hailed the newcomer cheerfully. "Like the looks of me, do you?" Captain Cy cut off further conversation.

I suppose most men, even in old age, feel a certain anxiety, conscious or not, as they overtake a woman whose back view is in the least attractive. I confess that I felt a more than usual, indeed a quite irrational, perturbation of the blood, as, coming level with her, I dared to look into her face. As I did so she involuntarily turned to look at me turned to look at me, did I say?

I had noticed all the morning a floral perturbation about the main entrance of the hotel, which settled into the form of banks of autumnal bloom on either side of the specially carpeted stairs, and put forth on the roof of the arcade in a crown, much bigger round than a barrel, of orange-colored asters, in honor of the Queen's ancestral house of Orange.

His face, as seen by the electric light, was flushed and frowning. Serena turned to her husband. "How cross he looked," she said, wonderingly. "I never saw him so before. What do you suppose has happened?" Speculation concerning Cousin Percy's evident perturbation caused her to forget the disclosure Captain Dan had been about to make.

The latter seemed in great perturbation: he had hoped to make his fortune, and retire from the toils and cares of a sea-life in some snug corner of the Western settlements, where he might cultivate a little farm, and lead the life of an honest man; "for this life," said he, "I am free to confess, is, after all, little better than highway robbery."

In spite of her perturbation Pollyanna smiled faintly. "I I liked you, sir." Not until the words were uttered did Pollyanna realize just how they would sound. She strove then, frantically, to recall or modify them and had almost added a "that is, I mean, I liked you THEN!" when she stopped just in time: certainly THAT would not have helped matters any!

"Oh!" replied Bastin; "there is all the difference in the world, though it is one that I cannot expect you to appreciate. And now please be quiet as I wish to say my prayers. I imagine that those stones will be hot enough to do their office within twenty minutes or so, which is not very long." At that moment Marama appeared, evidently in a state of great perturbation.