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I didn' wanter open de do', fer w'ite folks is monst'us pertickler 'bout dey smoke-'ouses; en ef de oberseah had a-come up en cotch me in dere, he mou't not wanter b'lieve I wuz des lookin' fer Dave. So I sorter knock at de do' en call' out ag'in: "'O Dave, hit's me Julius! Doan be skeered. Mars Dugal' wants yer ter come up ter de big house, he done 'skivered who stole de ham.

"I see you ain't pertickler about waiting for the sheriff here, you fellers." The major glanced at him quickly. He seemed to be quite unconscious of any irony in his remark, and continued grimly, "And what's Rule 2?" "I reckon you needn't trouble yourself beyond No. 1," returned the major with dry significance.

En one day he up'n tole Mars Walker he got sump'n pertickler fer ter say ter 'im; en he tuk Mars Walker off ter one side, en tole 'im he wuz gwine ter show 'im a place in de swamp whar dey wuz a whole trac' er Ian' covered wid ham-trees.

He got suthin very pertickler fo' Miss Jinny." "Do you know him?" Clarence demanded. "No sah yessah leastwise I'be seed 'um. Name's Robimson." The word was hardly out of his mouth before Virginia had leaped down the four feet from the porch to the flower-bed and was running across the lawn toward the shrubbery.

I'm sartin sure she'll be better in 'erself when they've put 'im out o' the way. It makes her all ov a fever to think of Muster Wharton gettin' 'im off. I don't bear Jim Hurd no pertickler malice. Isabella may talk herself black i' the face, but she and Johnnie'll have to come 'ome and live along o' me, whatever she may say.

He got suthin very pertickler fo' Miss Jinny." "Do you know him?" Clarence demanded. "No sah yessah leastwise I'be seed 'um. Name's Robimson." The word was hardly out of his mouth before Virginia had leaped down the four feet from the porch to the flower-bed and was running across the lawn toward the shrubbery.

There was something in his tone perhaps a faint suggestion of irony which made his elevation of his obstructor to exalted rank less agreeable to that worthy warrior than promotion is commonly found to be. "You-all have to be purty pertickler, I reckon," he added, in a more conciliatory tone, as if in half-apology for being halted.

En one winter mawnin', w'en one er de boys went ter school early fer ter start de fire, w'at should he fine but po' ole Tenie, layin' on de flo', stiff, en cole, en dead. Dere didn' 'pear ter be nuffin' pertickler de matter wid her, she had des grieve' herse'f ter def fer her Sandy. Mars Marrabo didn' shed no tears.

But the butty as gave him work kep the public, an if yer didn't drink, yer didn't get no work. You must drink yoursel sick o Saturdays, or theer'd be no work for you o Mondays. 'Noa, yer can sit at ome, they'd say to un, 'ef yer so damned pertickler. I ast yor pardon, sir, for the bad word, but that's ow they'd say it.

"So ye're pertickler about the people ye take in, are ye?" said he, smiling. "That's all right, but ye made Bill awful mad." It was quite late on a Monday afternoon that Bill stopped at our house again. He did not call out this time. He simply drew up, and a man with a big black valise clambered down from the top of the stage.