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It was a deadly dangerous game, for it was impossible to tell how long any fuse had still to burn and the grenade might explode at any moment, but though several men were killed and wounded in this way, the survivors persisted bravely and the Turkish advance was effectually checked.

"I only wish it was, Tom. I know I could be popular enough with all the bad ones, but that I won't have, and the good ones won't have me." "Why not?" persisted Tom; "you don't drink or swear, or get out at night; you never bully, or cheat at lessons. If you only showed you liked it, you'd have all the best fellows in the house running after you." "Not I," said East.

She went up to the east gable with a very serious face and left it with a face more serious still. Anne steadfastly refused to confess. She persisted in asserting that she had not taken the brooch. The child had evidently been crying and Marilla felt a pang of pity which she sternly repressed. By night she was, as she expressed it, "beat out." "You'll stay in this room until you confess, Anne.

All the beauty of her voice lent its charm to the next words that she said to him. The woman's heart hungered in its misery for the comfort that could only come from his lips. "You would have loved me, Horace without stopping to think of the family name?" The family name again! How strangely she persisted in coming back to that!

I couldn't explain to Edgar how certain I felt of having a fit, or going raging mad, if he persisted in teasing me! I had no command of tongue, or brain, and he did not guess my agony, perhaps: it barely left me sense to try to escape from him and his voice.

But he persisted that if I were too pessimistic the article would never see type, and I couldn't have the money. I gave way, and condescended to have hopes about Australia. But even when I got his cheque I was not much further forward. I went to my banker's agents and asked them to cash a cheque. Would I pay for a cable home and out?

He is not likely now," was the vexed reply. "Is it a thing a gentleman will speak of to a lady?" "But you do not know Mallow. If he thought she had seen me to-day, he would not hesitate. What would you do if you were Lord Mallow?" "No, not to-day," she persisted. "It is all so many years ago. It can hurt naught to wait a little longer." "When and where shall it be?" he asked gloomily.

'I think I like Miss Rayner's society better than yours. Kenneth looked quite taken aback at first, and then we both laughed together. 'It's true, I persisted. 'I don't believe it; I shall give you a dose of my society to-day, for I shall stay on to dinner here. What shall we do this afternoon?

They didn't reach her father." "No: tell me," he persisted. "I gotta know." Because Mr. Hines had already impressed himself upon me as one with whom straight talk would serve best, I acceded. "Bartholomew Storrs said that her feet took hold on hell." Mr. Hines's face remained impassive. Only his hands worked slightly, perhaps kneading an imaginary throat.

Perhaps it was the after-glow of the sunset in the sky, but a crimson flush sprang into her delicate cheek; her eyes were evasive, quickly glancing here and there with an affectation of indifference, and she had no mind to talk of love, she declared. But she should think of her gran'dad and gran'mam, he persisted. How had she the heart to deprive them of his willing aid?