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"Which meant," said the Colonel, "that you would lose your persimmons, and go on extra police duty for forty-eight hours each." The crowd were lectured upon straggling, that too frequent offence of Volunteers, and after a severe reprimand dismissed. The country abounded in persimmon trees, and their golden fruit was a sore temptation to teeth sharpened on army crackers.

Henry ordered the roast beef of old England at the best club in London and got a pink shaving, escorted in by two boiled potatoes and a hunk of green cabbage, boiled without salt or pork. And for dessert we had a sugarless, lardless whole-wheat-flour tart! It puckered his mouth like a persimmon. It fell to me to explain to Mr.

When cold break them up in a clean barrel, and fill it with filtered rainwater. A bushel of persimmons before mashing will make a barrel of beer. Set the barrel upright, covered with a thin cloth, in a warm, dry place, free of taints. Let stand until the beer works the persimmon cakes will rise and stand in a foamy mass on top.

Persimmon could give him; mounted his grey again, and was off to a house at some distance where there was a sick child, and another house where there dwelt an infirm old man. Between these two the hours were spent till he rode home to dinner. The improvement of the sick girl was better than had been hoped; it was but a day or two before Mrs.

A pleasant and peculiar small tree is this papaw, not nearly so well known or so highly esteemed as it ought to be. Another tree with edible fruits but here there will be a dispute, perhaps! is the persimmon. I mean the American persimmon, indissolubly associated in our own Southland with the darky and the 'possum, but also well distributed over Eastern North America as far north as Connecticut.

Holding his grip, he backed away, and as the tree bent toward him he took a fresh hold higher up, and so, hand over hand, pulled the top of it downward and prepared to pluck Foster or shake him down like a ripe persimmon. A part of Foster's habitual attire under all circumstances in warm weather was a long linen duster, and it is a defect of ursine perception to confound a man with his clothes.

We had to bear it, but we snickered ourselves when the man Will called "Elder Green Persimmon," because when he prayed his mouth went inside out, came mincing into the room, and as he passed the valance and got a pinch, jerked out a sour-grape sneeze: "Mercy on us! I thought I was bitten by that fierce dog of yours, Mrs. Cody; but it must have been a burr." Then the "experiences" would begin.

From my window I can see in one group banana, pomegranate, persimmon and fig trees all loaded with fruit. The roses are still in full bloom, and color, color everywhere.

To be sure, it was said that he carried out books in his ship, and read and studied, and wrote observations on all the countries he saw, which Parson Smith told Miss Dolly Persimmon would really do credit to a printed book; but then they never were printed, or, as Miss Dolly remarked of them, they never seemed to come to anything, and coming to anything, as she understood it, meant standing in definite relations to bread and butter.

Here were great oaks and splendid evergreens with trunks like mossy pillars, from the branches of which hung garlands of ivy and mistletoe, and persimmon trees, the odour of which pervaded every nook and corner of the wood an illusive, fragrant something that made the heart glad.