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Perry Phelps said if they were going to explore, he thought it would be a good plan to follow the brook and see where it went. "Go as far as you like," said Mr. Parkney. "Bob and I are going up to the house at noon for dinner, but we'll be back around half-past one. And we won't let you miss the half-past four car, because your mothers will be expecting you home on that.

Dickinson and Scherer have been talking it down. How about it, Tom?" But Tom, in these debates, was inclined to be noncommittal, although it was clear they troubled him. "Oh, don't ask me, Hughie," he said. "I suppose I ought to cultivate the scientific point of view, and look with impartial interest at this industrial cannibalism," returned Perry, sarcastically.

"You will not come up to dinner?" Belle asked. "I can hardly afford to make two bites of a holiday," said Wade. "I've sent Perry up for a luncheon. Here he comes with it. So I cede my quarter of your pie, Miss Belle, to a better fellow." "Oh!" cries Perry, coming up and bowing elaborately. "Mr. and Mrs. Tarbox, I believe. Ah, yes! Well, I will mention it up at Albany.

When you have been here a little longer, Miss Fairfax, you will understand that Mr. Elton is the standard of perfection in Highbury, both in person and mind." "Very true, Miss Woodhouse, so she will. He is the very best young man But, my dear Jane, if you remember, I told you yesterday he was precisely the height of Mr. Perry. Miss Hawkins, I dare say, an excellent young woman.

Not being in the least dismayed, he rushed for another and received a similar salute on the jaw, doubling him up and bringing him to the earth. By this time both messes joined in forming a ring and called for fair play. Mr. Perry tried hard to stop it, but was finally convinced that it was better, policy to let them have it out.

With twelve of us we could divide up between the two boats " "How many will Corwin's boat hold?" asked Neil. "I don't know. I'll see him and find out. But it ought to be big enough to hold four, anyway. There are seven of us now, and Wink and Harry and his brother Tom would make ten, and we could easily pick out two more." "Let's make the membership thirteen," said Perry. "Thirteen!" echoed Han.

I hurried into the street, and on the sidewalk stopped face to face with Perry Blackwood. "Hugh!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" "I came to inquire for Krebs," I answered. "I've seen him." "You you've been talking to him?" Perry demanded. I nodded. He stared at me for a moment with an astonishment to which I was wholly indifferent. He did not seem to know just how to act.

On Lake Erie, the squadron under command of Captain Perry having met the British squadron of superior force, a sanguinary conflict ended in the capture of the whole.

I wonder whether Jane has any suspicion." He went to Highbury the next morning, and satisfied himself on that point. He told her the news. Was not she like a daughter, his eldest daughter? he must tell her; and Miss Bates being present, it passed, of course, to Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Perry, and Mrs. Elton, immediately afterwards.

"What shall I do with my master's horse?" asked Martin. "He can't stand in the street to be stolen by drunken French horseboys." "Bring him in at the front door, and out at the back," said Perry. "Fine times these, when a man dare not open his own yard-gate." "You seem to be all besieged here," said Hereward. "How is this?"