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"Folks that can climb in at windows for a ball, can go the same way for money, and get it easy enough when they've only to pry open an old lock!" Thorny's look and tone seemed to make plain to Ben all that they had been suspecting, and, being innocent, he was too perplexed and unhappy to defend himself.

Evidently she was in sore trouble. Even her language was marked by doubt and difficulty. "Advise me, Elmer. Tell me what to do. I hardly know which way to turn, and I'm so lonely. Father is busy every day, and I can't talk to him. And Lawrence I dare not trust him." Here she began to cry softly, and hid her face in her handkerchief. The son of science was perplexed. What should he do or say?

For one thing, Bella would not have dared to touch anything without being told she might, and, for another, she was so frightened now at the thought of what she had done and of her aunt's probable anger, that she stood absorbed and perplexed, and did not even do the things she might have done. Naturally the weary woman grew irritated by such thoughtlessness.

Kirillov's last words perplexed Pyotr Stepanovitch extremely; he had not time yet to discover their meaning, but even while he was on the stairs of Shatov's lodging he tried to remove all trace of annoyance and to assume an amiable expression. Shatov was at home and rather unwell. He was lying on his bed, though dressed. "What bad luck!" Pyotr Stepanovitch cried out in the doorway.

"Judge Priest," she said steadily, "it is not my own flesh and blood that you accuse. That is my consolation now. For I know the stock that is in me. I know the stock that was in my husband. My own flesh and blood could never treat me so." He stared at her, his forehead twisted in a perplexed frown. "I mean to say just this," she went on: "Ellie is not my own child.

Can you spare him from his work for an hour or so before breakfast?" "To-morrow, sir?" "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow," I answered; "and there's Shakespeare for you." "Of course, sir, whatever you wish," said Thomas, with a perplexed look, in which pleasure seemed to long for confirmation, and to be, till that came, afraid to put its "native semblance on."

"I do not know if you have dreamed of this one," says Curzon, perplexed by her manner. Some hope had been in his heart in his journey to her, but now it dies. There is little love truly in her small, vivid face, her gleaming eyes, her parted, scornful lips. "I am not given to dreams," says she, with a petulant shrug, "I know what I mean always.

The remainder of this extraordinary scene I have no power to describe: how the bonhomme, touched, inflamed, inspired, by the thought of my destitution, and at the same time annoyed, perplexed, bewildered at having to commit himself to doing anything for me, worked himself into a nervous frenzy which deprived him of a clear sense of the value of his words and his actions; how I, prompted by the irresistible spirit of my desire to leap astride of his weakness and ride it hard to the goal of my dreams, cunningly contrived to keep his spirit at the fever-point, so that strength and reason and resistance should burn themselves out.

Then he came to himself with a quick smile, which she recognised as characteristic of all that disturbed her about this man a smile in which there was humour, a little malice and self-sufficiency and many, many things she did not try to analyse. "Don't you really want an unreliable servant?" he asked. His perverse humour perplexed her, but she smiled.

Apparently they had not wandered so far as the waterfall, for no one said anything of the amazing view of the Rhine. Indeed, it was plain that they considered themselves involved in a boundless wilderness, and were too perplexed to suggest a way out.