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Hence no one, who is hood-winked, can walk in a straight line for a hundred steps together; for he inclines so greatly, before he is warned of his want of perpendicularity by the sense of touch, not having the apparent motions of ambient objects to measure this inclination by, that he is necessitated to move one of his feet outwards, to the right or to the left, to support the new centre of gravity, and thus errs from the line he endeavours to proceed in.

Man requiring so strictly to maintain his perpendicularity, that is, to keep the centre of gravity always over the support of his body, ascertains the required position in various ways, but chiefly by the perpendicularity or known position of things about him.

Assuming that our forecasts of rectilinear motion are correct, these rects occupy the straight lines in timeless space which are traversed. Thus the rects are symbols in immediate sense-awareness of a future which can only be expressed in terms of timeless space. We are now in a position to explore the fundamental character of perpendicularity.

That is to say, in old days, when mountains were much loftier than they are now, various agencies brought it to pass that they split and cracked and yawned down to the innermost cores of their being in such hideous fashion that chasms and holes of great depth and perpendicularity were opened in them.

Why a stone in the ureter, or bile-duct, produces vomiting. 10. Why after a voyage ideas of vibratory motions are perceived on shore. 11. Kinds of vertigo and their cure. 12. Definition of vertigo. In learning to walk we judge of the distances of the objects, which we approach, by the eye; and by observing their perpendicularity determine our own.

By degrees the back of the sage stiffened into perpendicularity, and he sat for a few moments erect on his seat of honour, apparently in listening deliberation.

We shall find in the next lecture that it is from this symmetry that the theory of congruence is deduced. The theory of perpendicularity in the timeless space of any time-system α follows immediately from this theory of perpendicularity in each of its instantaneous spaces. Let ρ be any rect in the moment M of α and let λ be a level in M which is perpendicular to ρ.

His father, whose perpendicularity made him look like a sitting grenadier, commenced the examination thus: "I wish you to inform me what you was a doing of when I spoke to you." It will be observed that the Squire's dignified utterances were sometimes a little at variance with the rule of the best modern grammarians. "I was trying to prevent Hannah from taking the kitten," said Ben.

But sometimes, as the road ascends, the rice-.fields disappear a while: fields of barley and of indigo, and of rye and of cotton, fringe the route for a little space; and then it plunges into forest shadows. Above all else, the forests of cedar sometimes bordering the way are astonishments; never outside of the tropics did I see any growths comparable for density and perpendicularity with these.

The first of these axioms, which is the third axiom of congruence, is that if ABC is a triangle of rects in any moment and D is the middle event-particle of the base BC, then the level through D perpendicular to BC contains A when and only when AB is congruent to AC. This axiom evidently expresses the symmetry of perpendicularity, and is the essence of the famous pons asinorum expressed as an axiom.