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The infliction of pain is not only permitted, it becomes a duty in case of retribution, as in a court of justice; and finally it is permitted to inflict temporary pain if it will result in a greater advantage in the future. The last two cases apply also to God's treatment of his creatures.

After mass, then, and the little work her mother permitted the girl to do for health's sake, Silvia sat alone by her window and looked out on the splendor which her eyes alone could appreciate.

Unless one will is permitted the supremacy over all others, a medium must be sought between widely differing convictions. If a legislature composed of two distinct bodies differs with regard to a special appropriation, a partial concession on each side is often the only practicable mode of adjustment.

Kern who did not get on with the young people; and Rev. Holmes who was too young, and got on with the young people too well. Charity always thought that she might have . If he had only been permitted to stay another three months! And Rev. Colby it was because he had neither wife nor sons nor daughters. Charity was sure she might have . If only he had been given more time! And now Dan!

No maxim can so well embody the British spirit of making war upon the sea, and nothing must be permitted to breathe on that spirit. To examine its claim to be the logical conclusion of our theory of war will even be held dangerous, yet nothing is so dangerous in the study of war as to permit maxims to become a substitute for judgment.

'Oh! murmured Harry, filled with inexpressible thoughts. 'In my own dear land, she pursued, 'things are differently ordered. There, I must own, a girl is bound by many and rigorous restrictions; little is permitted her; she learns to be distant, she learns to appear forbidding.

I wish you good day, sirs," and he strode up Broadway to the Fields with dignity in every inch of him. "This constant talk of Hamilton's monarchical principles makes my gorge rise," said Livingston. "Did he not fight as hard as he was permitted, to drive monarchy out of the country? Was he not the first to sound the call to arms?"

Any one who has seen the beautiful pyramids, cones, and mounds of green into which so many varieties develop, if permitted to grow according to the laws of their being, should not be induced to purchase old and large trees which nurserymen are often anxious to part with before they become utterly unsalable.

The other children there were three beside Andrew being different in character, were more easily subdued under the imperious will of their father, whom they feared more than they loved. Assuming, in his own mind, that Andrew's will had been permitted to gain strength ere an effort had been made to control it, Mr.

If I were permitted, I would go into the city I would ask those who are there what is their meaning: and if no way can be found no act of penitence. Oh! do not answer in haste! I have no fear; and it would be to save thee. A strong throb of anger came into my throat. I seized her soft hands and crushed them in mine. 'You would leave me! I said. 'You would desert your husband.