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"Shall I describe to you my heart-rending interviews with Manon during this journey, and what my sensations were when I obtained from the guards permission to approach her caravan?

That interview has been arranged to take place in the morning." "Has he previously refused to appeal?" "He has twice." "May I ask on what grounds you are seeking permission to appeal?" "If he consents, my application to the Registrar would be made under Section Four of the Criminal Appeal Act," was the cautious reply.

She had to worry for her little sisters and brothers the few days she was with Granny, and for Granny all the time she was not with her. As a punishment, for having prolonged her visit to Granny without permission, Sörine for a long time refused to let her go again.

They lived at first, and for a long time, in the barracks; the little house they now occupied had once been used for the storage of provisions; but when the war ended, Adolphus succeeded in obtaining permission to turn it into a dwelling-house. Here the child was sheltered, and taught the use of a needle; and here she learned to read and write.

Of course he was not allowed to be jealous, as the young lord was still her official lover, who had the pleasure of paying everything for that licentious beauty, and besides him, there was a whole army of so-called "good friends," who were fortunate enough to obtain a smile now and then, and occasionally, something more, and who, in return, had permission to present her with rare flowers, a parrot or diamonds.

We had intended, but not so soon, to pay an official visit to the Vali to present our letter from the Grand Vizir, and to ask his permission to proceed to Bayazid, whence we had planned to attempt the ascent of Mount Ararat, an experience which will be described in the next chapter.

I have no announcement to make as yet, but when I do wish to make an announcement and I trust to have the permission granted very shortly I want to be sure of my technical right to do so." "Gosh all Hemlocks!" Jimmie exclaimed in a tone of such genuine confusion that it raised a shout of laughter. "I never thought of that." "Nor I," said Peter. "I never signed any pledge to that effect."

"Do you know that they've just now refused Miss Fosdyke permission to examine her uncle's belongings?" continued the Earl. "That they wouldn't even let her enter the house?" "No, I didn't know," replied Neale. "But I'm not surprised. Nothing that those two could do would ever surprise me." "Feeling that, what do you advise in this case?" asked the Earl.

The fellows will all have to get permission at home, too, you know." "Let me know any time before six to-morrow night," proposed Billy. "It must be understood, though, that if I get a paying freight order to haul to the lake between now and starting time, then my deal with you must be off." "Of course," Dick agreed. "And thank you, Mr. Heckler. Now, I'll hustle away and see the other fellows."

Earlier in my service the King of Siam had conferred another decoration on me, and I was carrying with me His Majesty's Royal Licence for this, signed by him, and also King George V.'s Royal Licence with his Sign-Manual, giving me permission to accept and wear the decoration.