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"You see," said East, as they strolled up to the school gates, "a good deal depends on how a fellow cuts up at first. You see I'm doing the handsome thing by you, because my father knows yours; besides, I want to please the old lady she gave me half-a-sov. this half, and perhaps'll double it next if I keep in her good books."

"I don't know, Ike," I said hopelessly; "had I?" "Well, I don't think I would this time. The ganger perhaps'll let you off if you pay for it out of your wage." "But I don't have any wages," I said in despair. "You don't!" he cried. "Well, then, you're in for it. My word, I wouldn't be you for a crown."

If he's got nothing odd about him, and answers straightforward, and holds his head up, he gets on. Now, you'll do very well as to rig, all but that cap. You see I'm doing the handsome thing by you, because my father knows yours; besides, I want to please the old lady. She gave me half a sov. this half, and perhaps'll double it next, if I keep in her good books."

"And if Katharine makes herself very charming to-night, perhaps'll lend it to us for the honeymoon." "I agree that may be a reason. Otherwise she's a dull woman," said Katharine. "At least," she added, as if to qualify her abruptness, "I find it difficult to talk to her." "Because you expect every one else to take all the trouble.