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In that ease his absence may prove eternal, in spite of the fires which we have lighted for two days to show him our encampment." "Is that really your idea?" said the chief, looking fixedly at Diaz. "It is; although, to say the truth, Cuchillo is one of those people whom one is rarely wrong in accusing of perfidy; but I do not see what object he could have in betraying us."

Graeme, in the riot of happy possibilities evoked by the disclosure of Mr. Pixley's perfidy, would have been content to sit there for ever, since Margaret was at his side. It was enough to know that she was there. He did not need to turn his head to enjoy the sight of her with gross material vision.

The deep disgust for party and politics which then takes possession of him demands change of scene and new surroundings. Any flagging in partisan enthusiasm is sure to be attributed to sore-headedness, and leads to charges of perfidy and thanklessness.

The barbarian showed himself in his true colors, during this new enterprise, with his violence, his craft, his cruelty, and his perfidy. He began with the most powerful of the tribes, the Ripuarian Franks.

"There is only the question of the law, which has been tricked and defamed by my father, for the meanest ends of revenge towards me and now we you and I have the right to save the family and its honour and circumvent the perfidy and weakness of that one man.

It is probable that he even ventured, in the King's name, to grant him the liberty of returning to his home; the only remedy, as his physicians had repeatedly stated, which could possibly be applied to his disease. But the devilish hypocrisy of Philip, and the abject perfidy of Eboli, at this juncture, almost surpass belief.

To perfidy of dealing was now added a brutal ejectment from Byzantium, without even the commonest manifestations of hospitality; contrasting pointedly with the treatment which the army had recently experienced at Trapezus, Sinôpê, and Herakleia; where they had been welcomed not only by compliments on their past achievements, but also by an ample present of flour, meat, and wine.

For his immorality is not confined to gaming and wanton extravagance," continued the count, his glance becoming more keen, as his words fell like drops of molten lead upon the heart of Giulia; "but his numerous intrigues amongst women his perfidy to those confiding and deceived fair ones "

He goes out the declared emissary of a faithless ministry. He has perfidy for his credentials. He has national weakness for his full powers. I yet doubt whether any one can be found to invest himself with that character.

The groom would brook no delay, for, oh, perfidy, he had recognized in the still figure his own child by a former wife deserted years before. Slowly the forsaken girl regained consciousness, lifted her head from the steps, threw back her shawl, and "Heavens and earth, it's Anne herself!" exclaimed Grace. It was Anne. They were so startled and amazed they nearly tumbled off their seats.