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"No, thanks just the same, 'Perfesser." "I have room enough ... better hang around a few days and look for a job here." "It's too near Haberford." "But I know you'd take a couple of fresh books, if I gave them to you, now wouldn't you?" My eyes lit up as with hunger. "This Milton and Sterne are too used-up to be worth a nickel a-piece.

It is a ragged form which will show on what we may call the under side the very convolutions and scars made by its breaking away from the old earth. Do you get my meaning?" "Yo' suttenly is a most liquid speaker, Perfesser," declared Washington White. "Yo' was sayin' dat w'en disher new planet broke off de earf, she slopped over de whole Arctic Ocean."

"Where was you calalatin' t' take this here ship when it gits done, Perfesser?" asked Washington, during a lull in the operations. "Do you remember that big hole in the island we visited on our trip to the south pole?" "I suah does," answered the colored man. "We are going to explore that," went on the scientist. "We are going to make a voyage to the interior of the earth in our Flying Mermaid."

Suddenly he threw up his hands and staggered back from the instrument, turning a pallid face upon his companions. "What done happened yo', Perfesser?" cried Washington White. "What done skeer yo' now? Dis suah am de startlin'est place dat we ebber got into. Gollyation! Ain't dat moon risin', dough?" "It is no moon!" declared the professor. "A most mysterious thing," Mark said.

"Yassuh, yassuh," said the old negro, and with no insolence whatever he guffawed loudly. "Well, suh, looks lak you come a long way, an' you sutinly got hyeh on time you sho did. Well, son, you jes' set hyeh as long as you please an', walk aroun' an' come back an' den ef you set hyeh long enough agin, you'se a-gwine to see Perfesser Burnham come right up dese steps."

"I can't let de perfesser go alone, wid nobody t' do his cookin' fer him. Well, I'll go, but but I'se mighty skeered, jest de same." "You needn't be, Washington," said Mr. Henderson kindly. "We will be perfectly safe in the Annihilator, and when we get to Mars I am sure you will like it there." "I've got to, wedder I does or not," said Washington simply.

Well, now, let's set down here in the middle; eh, Mother? an' wait fer what's a-comin'. I want a chance to tell the Perfesser 'bout that there water-power plant an' what them boys done. Them's the lads, I'm a-sayin'."