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Yu'll shore need it all afore th' Hills get through with yu," laughingly replied Hopalong. "Oh, yore shore kind! But I was a sort of reckonin' that we needs some more. Perfesser P. D. Q. Waffles is our poker man an' he shore can clean out anything I ever saw.

"I ken put up with always bein' like er specimei iv er Indian famine," he said, confiding in Mahdi the Missing Link, through the bars of the latter cage, "knowing the missus and the kids has plenty. You noticed 'ow fat Jane was when she brought the fam'ly t' see the show the other day? Well, I give you my word, the wife was thin enough t' take on this billet 'erself when the Perfesser engaged me."

The others gathered about, craning their necks over the shoulders of those before them, but as few of them could read at all, and then only after the most laborious fashion, one finally turned to the little old man of the top hat and frock coat. "Hi, perfesser," he called, "step for'rd and read the bloomin' notis."

It was amoozin to see the Perfesser jump up and scream with pane. Sez I, "that's one of the poor little fellow's excentrissities!" Sez he, "Mister Ward, that's a dangerous quadruped. He's totally depraved.

She missed me by half a fraction of an infinitessimal part of an inch that's a good word, that 'infinitessimal'; ain't it, Miss? I got it off of a college perfesser what come up here, and he said he got it straight-away out of the dictionary." "It's a good word, Mr. Todd," laughed Ruth, highly delighted at the man and his story. "Wal!" chuckled Jerry, "we'll say she missed me.

"What you drivin' that there stake down there for? Up here's where the Perfesser said the dam was to set," Mr. Hooper demanded. "Yes, right here," Bill replied. "But it is to be curved upstream and that stake is our center." "What's the idea of curvin' it?" "So that it will be stronger and withstand the pressure.

"Very likely. But who is the man in with Professor Henderson, and what is the wonderful journey he is talking about?" "Dat gen'man in wid de perfesser am also a perfessor." Explained Washington in a whisper. "He's Perfesser Santell Roumann. Now I 'spects I'd better saggasiate mahself inter proximity t' de culinary reservation." "You mean you've got to go to the kitchen?" asked Jack with a smile.

"You'll always find," he said, "that it's those of your own household that have the first claim on you." "That's so, Coonrod," urged his mother. "It's Bible truth. Your fawther ain't a perfesser, but he always did read his Bible. Search the Scriptures. That's what it means." "Laws!" cried Mely, "a body can see, easy enough from mother, where Conrad's wantun' to be a preacher comes from.

"I'd do mos' anything fer yo', Perfesser," said the colored man, "but I got t' beg off this time," and he looked at the Flying Mermaid as if he thought the metal sides would open and devour him. Then help me get things in shape to generate the gas," the scientist said. "I want to give the new vapor the first real test in lifting power to-day. On the success of it depends the future of the ship."

The professor was interrupted in what he was about to say by a curious tremor that made the whole ship shiver as though it had struck some obstruction. Yet there was no sudden jolt or jar such as would have been occasioned by that. At the same time Washington, who was out in the kitchen, came running into the dining room, crying: "We're droppin' into a ragin' fire, Perfesser!"