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Aroused by the knocking, Pèp sat up straight in his chair. "Come in, whoever you are!" He gave the invitation with the dignity of a Roman paterfamilias, absolute master of his house. The door was not locked. It opened, giving passage to a gust of rain-laden wind, which made the candle flicker, and refreshed the dense atmosphere of the kitchen.

That initiative and enterprise spring part from his inalienable pep, his vivid interest in life; and part from that constructive looseness of the social structure, which gives them both full play. If the Native Son sees anything he wants to do, he instantly does it. If he sees anything that he wants to get, he promptly takes it. If he sees anything that he wants to be, he immediately is it.

Now I guess the folks in this man's town will quit listening to all this kyoodling from behind the fence; I guess you'll quit listening to the guys that pan and roast and kick and beef, and vomit out filthy atheism; and all of you 'll come in, with every grain of pep and reverence you got, and boost all together for Jesus Christ and his everlasting mercy and tenderness!"

Now they were talking about the young man's life work. "Frankly, I don't like it, Dad," said the son. "Easy to see that, Jack." "I'm really sorry. I'm afraid anyone can see it. But somehow I can't put much pep into it." "Why?" asked the father, with curt abruptness. "Why? Well, I hardly know. Somehow it hardly seems worth while. It is not the grind of the office, though that is considerable.

"It's my opinion," remarked the latter, "that we've struck a bunch of lemons! I haven't met a single girl so far that has pep enough to organize a secret class meeting, or put up any kind of a fight against us sophomores! Why, I don't believe there will be one girl in the whole freshman class who'll make the Girl Scout troop!"

Martin's store and set up business on their own account. Doc Linyard and Tom Clover now run a prosperous hotel and restaurant in the lower part of the city, where their old friends are always welcome. Pep attends school regularly, and thoroughly appreciates his improved condition in life.

"No particular reason," he smiled. "I only thought she'd find it mighty dull alone on the ranch with a bunch of punchers." Bud continued to eye him intently. "Well, she ain't alone," he said briefly. "Mrs. Archer lives with her; an' uh course there's Pedro's Maria." "Who's Mrs. Archer?" "Her aunt. Kinda nice old lady, but she ain't got much pep. Maria's jest the other way.

Another feature of Joe's performance was his wire-walking. Since he had rescued the lady's cat he had added this to his share of the program, and it was a thriller enjoyed by many audiences. "But it's a little tame," said Joe one day to Jim Tracy. "I want to put a little more pep into it." "How are you going to do it?" asked the ringmaster. "I think I know a way," was the answer.

He killed his poor wife, and Dick Grangerson would never have gone off and got drowned only for him Oh, he's not so bad," turning to Phyl, "he's good enough only for that will fight." "Too much pep," said Pinckney. "I'm sure I don't know what it is. They're the queerest lot the Almighty ever put feet on, and I don't mind saying it, even though they are relatives." Turning to Phyl.

If he was different from some scoutmasters, perhaps this could be accounted for by the fact that he was younger. Tom suspected that here was just the kind of scoutmaster that the National Organization was after one with pep. On the whole, he thought that William Barnard was a bully scoutmaster. At all events he seemed to be pretty skillful at woodcraft.