United States or Liberia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He began to walk to and from the barrier between the first and second cabin promenades; lingering near it, and musing pensively, for some of the people beyond it looked as intelligent and as socially acceptable, even to their clothes, as their pecuniary betters of the saloon.

And, as he gazed, she leaned above them, shaming them with her loveliness and seeming to direct her eyes pensively toward his own window. And then, as though she had caught his respectful but ardent regard, she melted away, leaving the fragrant emblems on the window-sill. Yes, emblems! he would be unworthy if he had not understood.

Early, too, I saw him in the garden, leaning pensively on his hoe a becalmed and striking figure in a ragged snuff-colored coat, and a hat marked by numerous small orifices, through which, here and there, strands from his silvery fringe of hair strayed and waved in the breezes.

"D'ye think so, gal? d'ye think so?" exclaimed the deacon, his eyes fairly twinkling with pleasure. "That would be good news; and if he doesn't stop too long by the way, we might look for him home in less than ninety days from this moment!" Mary smiled pensively, and a richer colour stole into her cheeks, slowly but distinctly.

The pause that followed was an uneasy one, otherwise Temple would not have seized on the first topic that came to hand to fill it up. "You'll miss Olivia when she's gone, Henry." "Y-yes; if she goes." The implied doubt startled Davenant, but Temple continued to smoke pensively.

Pink unrolled his "sooguns" in their accustomed corner next to Weary's bed and went straightway to sleep. Weary thumped his own battered pillow into some semblance of plumpness and gazed with suspicion at the thick fringe of curled lashes lying softly upon Pink's cheeks. "If I was a girl," he said pensively to the others, "I'd sure be in love with Cadwolloper myself.

But she seemed to be pondering over something, and shook her head in a peculiar way, as she pensively nibbled a leaf she had picked. Sometimes she started walking ahead, so resolutely...then all at once stopped, waited for me, and looked round with lifted eyebrows and a vague smile. On the previous evening we had read together. The Prisoner of the Caucasus.

Goulden would say, pensively: "Joseph, our unhappy country has fallen very low.

"Oh yes," she unhesitatingly replied, "I should like to be a dress-maker in Deny; but," she added pensively, "it's no use my thinking about it, for I know I shouldn't be let!" "Wouldn't you like Dublin as well?" I asked. "Perhaps; but I shouldn't be let go to Dublin either!" Would she like to go to America?

The girl studied Sundown's lean face as he gazed across the mesas, wondering how he was going to make his exit without calling undue attention to his dearth of raiment. She had heard that this man, this queer, ungainly outlander, had been companion to Will Corliss. She had also heard that Sundown had been injured when the robbery occurred. Pensively she drew her empty gauntlet through her fingers.