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Nay, it's true, indeed, he turns up his eyes, shuts them, distorts his mouth, and swings about on the stool like the pendulum of a clock!" And Joachim performed all the grimaces and contortions to perfection, till his Aunt and Cousins were convulsed with laughter. "Well done," cried his Mother.

She lay mere watching the tarnished gilt pendulum swing between the black pillars of the clock on the mantelpiece, thinking thinking. "You'll be all right to-morrow!" Maurice would say; and she would smile silently and go on thinking. "When I get well," she thought, "I will do so and so." By and by, still with the letter clutched in her hot hand, she began to say to herself, "If I get well."

As we have explained in previous chapters, the Hermetists hold that the Principle of Rhythm manifests on the Mental Plane as well as on the Physical Plane, and that the bewildering succession of moods, feelings, emotions, and other mental states, are due to the backward and forward swing of the mental pendulum, which carries us from one extreme of feeling to the other.

Every road, we well knew, would be patrolled by Federal pickets; only the broken country between could yield us the faintest prospect of success. But at best it must largely be guesswork, Providence, luck, what you will, and the slightest swing of the pendulum could easily frustrate our best laid plans. An hour of this work passed.

If the pendulum of hope and despair swings one way, the unalterable laws of mental gravitation compel it to go just as far the other, and although I do not remember uttering so much as a word while we traversed the crowded floor and gained entrance to the smaller room beyond, yet my heart was singing a song of the deepest hope.

These gallant words which seem so novel to those that speak them were said in accents scarcely changed a hundred times before. The pendulum swings backwards and forwards. The circle is ever travelled anew.

For the pendulum of war had swung right across from Cadiz to Dantzig, and swept northwards in its wake the merchants of death, the men who live by feeding soldiers and rifling the dead.

It was then half-past eight, and, hardly able to contain herself with excitement, Bessie sat down by the window, and almost, if not quite, counted every swing of the pendulum that pushed the hands of the clock on to the desired hour.

The paw kept swinging about like a pendulum for a few seconds, and was then suddenly thrust into the Padre's open mouth as he lay back asleep, and again giving him another smart crack, vanished as before. "Hobble, gobble," gurgled the Priest, nearly choked. "Ave Maria purissima, que bocado what a mouthful! What can that be?"

Then he raised the forefinger of his right hand, and after moving it slowly from right to left, in imitation of the swing of a pendulum, he placed it on the large black dot he had drawn on the sheet of paper exactly below his pendulum, and said, "Dead Stop, Absolute Repose. Would that the end were come!"