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Nothing like forgetting all for a little time; and then to it again with a fresh lease of strength, and beat it at last like a man." "Too late, my dear sir; I must pay the penalty of my own folly," said Elsley, really won by the man's cordiality. "Never too late, sir, while there's life left in us.

Take such a tract, for example, as that of Plutarch, upon what he denominates "the slow vengeance of the Deity;" read the reasons which he assigns for the apparent delay, in this world, of the infliction of punishment upon transgressors; and you will perceive that the human mind, when left to its candid and unbiassed convictions, is certain that God is a holy Being and will visit iniquity with penalty.

"Please tell me all over again now much you love me." But no answering hands met hers. Instead, he drew away from her and faced her, stern-lipped. "I must make you understand," he said. "You don't know what it is that you are asking. I've made shipwreck of my life, and I must pay the penalty. But, by God, I'm not going to let you pay it, too! And if you married me, you would have to pay.

Having once began to stir in the affair, it was soon brought to a conclusion. The fact was incontestable, and proved by witnesses, whose credit left no room for cavil; a bill of divorce was granted on very easy terms, and the gallant fined in so large a penalty, that he was obliged to quit the kingdom, to avoid imprisonment for life.

But indeed such strictures were not heard for the first time. They were in some sort the penalty of the disinterested friendship which Kennedy had harbored for Basil since their childhood. He wished that his compeer might prosper in such simple wise as his own experience had proved to be amply possible.

For the rest, France was so full of unhappiness and dread that the Dauphin might well be the centre of a plot, a plot to murder the father in the son's name for the relief of the nation. But was the Dauphin himself concerned in the plot, or had he that knowledge which, prince though he was, laid him open to the penalty for blood-guiltiness? These were the questions which troubled Commines.

No one might doubt his "revelations" or dispute his commands without being visited with punishment which ran from a fine to the death penalty. When outsiders invaded their regions the Mormons, by command of Brigham Young, struck them down, as in the Mountain Meadows murders. This was in the day when the arm of national power was too short to reach them.

Further, the consolidation of Germany from his own nationalist point of view became a threat to French interests. Thus he was hoist chiefly by his own petard, and France paid the penalty for his errors.

It was penalty for bloodshed not in this world: penalty eternal in the next; and one slight figure under the dips staggered suddenly aside into the darkness. It was Isom; and no soul possessed of devils was ever more torn than his, when he splashed through Troubled Fork and rode away that night.

The banker stared at them wildly, and then, with a hoarse cry, dropped into his chair. "James Walsh," the general said sternly, "your life is doubly forfeit. As a thief and a swindler, the courts of law will punish you with death;" for in those days death was the penalty of a crime of this kind. "In the second place, as a traitor.