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When he saw that neither of them would bother him again, he leaped around the corner of the cabin and cautiously peered into the doorway. He saw Antrim stretched out on the floor of the cabin, face down and motionless. He stepped into the cabin, turned the outlaw over, grinned saturninely, and then went out to where Lawler stood. His eyes were aglow with concern.

He peered, in the gloom, to port; and all at once, far on the horizon, saw a thing that stopped his heart a moment, then thrashed it into furious activity. Off there in a direction he judged as almost due northeast, a tenuous, rising veil of vapor blotted out the lesser stars and dimmed the brighter ones.

The upland lavished its spicy sweetness on the still, yellow air. A gopher peered out of its freshly made burrow with quick, wary turns of its little head, and dropped suddenly out of sight as Melissa spoke. "How come mother to deed him the land, Sandy?"

Deeply frightened by this mystery which in vain she tried to solve, she forced a laugh. "Oh, it is no jest I am one of the most serious of men," proceeded Cantagnac, "as becomes one of the busiest." She looked at him like a fawn, which, having never seen a human being, is suddenly peered upon in the lair by the hunter. "You want to know who I am, speaking to you in this style?

His left hand clutched at the wall, and a second too late he made a wild grab at the hole she had peered through, trying to get his fingers into it. What she had done he never knew, but the floor she had stood on yielded, and he heard her laugh as he slipped through the opening like a tiger into a pit-trap, and fell downward into blackness.

These were just underneath the roof, and had tiny triangular windows, which were decidedly too small to allow of anyone's escaping through them. Kitty peered through them both, and got a good view of the loch, glimmering whitely in the starlight between its black, wooded shores.

"Isn't that The Hawk?" It was Jack who spoke. He had left his engine and made his way aft, for he had caught sight of another craft in the distance. Frank peered ahead. "I should say it was built along the same lines as The Hawk," he replied, "but what's the matter with her?" Something was wrong, as both boys could see.

He says he must see the boy before he dies. Polk says he is not strong enough to come." "Oh, no, he is not strong enough," cried Virginia. The Colonel looked down at her queerly. "Where is Clarence?" he asked. She had not thought of Clarence. She turned hurriedly, glanced around the room, and then peered down the dark stairway. "Why, he came in with me. I wonder why he did not follow me up?"

Coming up from the rear, they surprised Stanley and one other peacefully boiling coffee in a lard pail which they must have stolen in the night from the ranch junk heap behind the blacksmith shop. The three peered out at them from a distant ambush, made sure that there were only two men there, and went on to the disputed part of the meadows.

How well in after life Pen remembered those effigies, and how often in youth he scanned them as the Doctor was grumbling the sermon from the pulpit, and Smirke's mild head and forehead curl peered over the great prayer-book in the desk!