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Drain on kitchen paper. Steam. Cold steamed parsnips are nice fried. Sprinkle with chopped parsley, and serve. Scrub well and steam, either with or without peeling. If peeled, this should be done very thinly, as the greater part of the valuable potash salts lie just under the skin. BAKED. Moderate-sized potatoes take from 45 to 60 minutes.

The satchel was worn and old, and the outer polished surface of the leather was cracked and peeling off. Knight having arrived over the hills to Castle Boterel upon the top of a crazy omnibus, preferred to walk the remaining two miles up the valley, leaving his luggage to be brought on.

These are my reasons, gentlemen, which make it my duty to assemble an army; therefore I have called you together." His fiery eyes flashed around the circle, peeling into the thin, withered faces of his generals, and encountering everywhere a grave, earnest mien.

"No eight mile walk for me. I'm taking a rest cure. Better wear a hat, Lydia. You're getting dreadfully burned." "That's right. Your nose is peeling something fierce," said Kent as they started off. "Huh, yours looks like a pickled beet," returned Lydia. "Come on, pretend I'm Olga and be happy." "The humans I have known lack root hold. Perhaps that is why they die and leave no trace."

The strainer won't let the poison out, and so it will stay inside your body. Then, too, if you do not wash the skin, the little scales that are peeling off the outside coat will not be cleared away. You have noticed them, haven't you, sometime when you were pulling off black stockings? You found little white pieces, almost as fine as powder, clinging to the inside of the stockings.

When MacShaughnassy came along he seemed, in her eyes, a sort of glorified Mrs. Beeton. He knew everything wanted to be known inside a house, from the scientific method of peeling a potato to the cure of spasms in cats, and Ethelbertha would sit at his feet, figuratively speaking, and gain enough information in one evening to make the house unlivable in for a month.

Suppose I tell you that Uncle Doc and the boys have been shooting innocent, TAME sheep, skinning and cutting them up on the way home, and making us believe for two days that we were eating venison; and we never should have discovered the imposition had not Dicky dragged home four sheep- skins from the upper pool, and told us that he saw the boys 'PEELING THEM OFF A VENISON. Perhaps Phil may call this information, and Margery will vow that it is gossip and belongs to her; any way, they consider it a splendid joke, and chuckle themselves to sleep over it every night; but I think the whole affair is perfectly maddening, and it makes me boil with rage to be taken in so easily.

Then in the waning light he took his hat and started for a stroll around the back defences and out-buildings. His way led through the kitchen, where Jane, the cook the only woman left at Steens was peeling potatoes for the night's supper; and there beside the open hearth sat Hickory Rodda writing by the glow of it, huddled on a stool with a sheet of paper on his knee.

"That's where I ought to be up there," he thought, "not peeling potatoes and scouring pans down here. All I have to do is to go up and announce myself...." He smiled a grim affair. "Yes, all I have to do is to go up and announce myself.... They'd take care of me, all right!" He lifted his hand and thoughtfully rubbed his beard. "As long as I stick to Russian, I'm safe.

Miss Jemima felt by instinct that her brother was keeping something back. She shot at him a keen, swift glance, and then resumed the peeling of the potato just then in hand, which operation she effected with such extreme care, that it was a very attenuated strip of peeling which fell curling from her knife into the brown water in the bowl beneath.