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"Families are like that," agreed George. "Nobody knows who he is, but everybody in the county knows all about it. Those things get about, you know. Of course, it's out of the question. Maud will have to marry somebody awfully rich or with a title. Her family's one of the oldest in England, you know." "So I understand." "It isn't as if she were the daughter of Lord Peebles, somebody like that."

"I had no idea it was going to be such a heavenly feeling. When you say your prayers to-night, Sheila, I hope you will ask God to bless somebody you've never heard of before. Elijah Peebles Martin, do you think you could remember that long name, Sheila?" "Yes, Miss Dear, do you remember him in your prayers every night?" "Well, I haven't," Nancy said, "but I intend to from now on.

"God be thanked, my Leddie Cockburn," said he, in a repressed voice, and with fearful looks "God be thanked, for Henderland's absence! The king, wi' his nobles, are at Peebles, on their way to Liddesdale, to tak vengeance on the chiefs o' the Borders, wha hae been foremost in the foray and the rieving raid.

"God bless my soul!" he exclaimed. "Are you two young fellows the sons of old friends of mine at Peebles?" "We are, sir," answered Purdie. "This is Andrew Lauriston, and I am John Purdie. And we're very glad to find that you remember something about our people, Mr. Killick." Mr. Killick again blessed himself, and after warmly shaking hands with his visitors, bade them sit down.

And the bank at Peebles has the numbers of the notes that Phillips carried off in his little bag and I'll trace those fellows yet, Mr. Lindsey." "Good luck to you, sergeant!" answered Mr. Lindsey. He turned to me when Chisholm had gone. "That's the police all over, Hugh," he remarked. "And you might talk till you were black in the face to yon man, and he'd stick to his story."

Then he set off, dressed in the oldest clothes he had, wondering what adventures he would meet with in the wilds. Foster left Peebles soon after his arrival and following the Tweed down stream to Traquair turned south across the hills. A road brought him to Yarrow, where he sat down to smoke in the shelter of a stone dyke by the waterside.

His adventures were pub. in Travels in the Interior of Africa , which had great success. He m. and set up in practice in Peebles; but in 1805 accepted an invitation by Government to undertake another journey in Africa. From this he never returned, having perished in a conflict with natives. His narratives, written in a straightforward and pleasing style, are among the classics of travel.

Just give us the brief facts." "I'm going to," answered Lauriston, still indignant. "I thought the whole thing over as I went down in the train. I remembered that if there was one person living in Peebles who would be likely to know about my mother and those rings, it would be an old friend of hers, Mrs. Taggart you know her, John." "I know Mrs. Taggart go on," said Purdie. "I didn't know if Mrs.

But on the envelope itself was a postmark, at which Chisholm instantly pointed. "Peebles!" said he. "Yon man that you found murdered his half-ticket's for Peebles. There's something of a clue, anyway."

He endeavoured to lay the same unction to his own heart; but here the application was less fortunate, for his conscience told him that no end, however important, which could be achieved in Darsie Latimer's affairs, could be balanced against the reputation which Alan was like to forfeit by deserting the cause of Poor Peter Peebles.