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"Our pedlar." I told Semyon to call him. He made his appearance. He expressed some regret at the death of the lieutenant; wondered what could have possessed him.... "Was he in debt to you?" I asked. "No, sir. He always paid punctually for everything he had. But I tell you what," here the pedlar grinned, "you have got something of mine." "What is it?"

"It was my child's!" he said, hoarsely; "where did you get it?" Redbud, with a tremor which she could not restrain, told how she had purchased the necklace from a pedlar; she knew no more; did not know his name but recollected that he was a German, from his accent. The lawyer fell into his chair, and was silent: his strong frame from time to time trembled his bosom heaved.

And then, when the man told her she was indeed too late, all strength and energy left her, and she sank sobbing on the wooden bench by the door. There were two other men in the room, who looked at her curiously; she was such a pretty girl, even in the midst of her grief. One was an old pedlar, with his well-filled pack on the floor beside him. He had a pleasant, homely face, and thin, bent figure.

But whether he lost his way among the banks, or whether he delayed too long, the tide came in on him up to his knees, his waist, his chin, and at last, at times, over his head. As he grew, his pedlar journeys became longer. Repeating to himself, as he walked, the Creeds and the Lord's Prayer his only lore he walked for four years through Lindsey; then went to St.

It would not be the least remarkable event in the beginning of the remarkable nineteenth century were we to witness the papal throne occupied by a man who from a singing boy became a renegade slave, from a Mussulman a constitutional curate, from a tavern-keeper an archbishop, from the son of a pedlar the uncle of an Emperor, and from the husband of the daughter of a tinker, a member of the Sacred College.

Yours was the son of a dealer in fresh fish at the markets, and mine of a pedlar, or, perhaps, worse.

But he met neither ox team, light wagon chaise, horseman, nor foot traveller, till, just as he crossed Salmon River, a man came trudging down to the bridge with a bundle over his shoulder, on the end of a stick. "Good morning, mister," said the pedlar, reining in his mare. "If you come from Kimballton or that neighborhood, may be you can tell me the real fact about this affair of old Mr.

I got a chanter from a Chinese pedlar in the street in the morning heard the unmistakeable reedy notes coming along the street as I did business in the the cool office of Messrs Cook & Co., and leaving papers and monies went and met the smiling Chinese pedlar of sweetmeats who sold me his chanter.

"Well," replied the schoolmaster, who was much more inebriated than the pedlar, "there's argument even in that and, you see, the perpendicular deviation must arise from the head being too heavy, that's clear; and then, you see, the feet, from the centre of gravity being destroyed, become too light; and if you put that and that together, why, a man can't stand. You understand my demonstration?"

And she told what we all know about the tree, about the old mansion, the pedlar and the goose-girl, who had met for the first time in this spot, and had afterwards become the founders of the noble family to which the young barons belonged. "They would not be ennobled, the good old folks!" she said.