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"That's Peavey Jo's work," said the Supervisor at last. "I reckon this is where he begins to find trouble on his hands. We'll find out, McGinnis, how much of this timber he has stolen, measure up the stumps and make him pay for every stick he's taken." "Ye'd better leave Peavey Jo alone. They used to call him 'The Canuck Brute," remarked McGinnis.

Peavey lived next door to the Doctor's house and the stone wall that separated the two families was not in any way a barrier to her frequent neighborly and critical visitations. She was meager of stature and soul, and the victim of a devouring fire of curiosity which literally licked up the fagots of human events that came in her way.

I'll give you the money, and you can get the linin's too, while you're about it." "I'll send you some samples, Aunty, and then you can take your choice." "And " began Mrs. Ball. "Did you know Mrs. Pendleton was going away, Aunty?" asked Ruth, hastily. "Do tell! Elmiry Peavey goin' travellin'?" "Yes, she's going somewhere for a visit I don't know just where."

Tradition claimed that only once in a long woods life had Shearer been forced to "take water" before a breaking rollway: and then he saved his peavey. History stated that he had never lost a man on the river, simply and solely because he invariably took the dangerous tasks upon himself. As soon as the logs had caught the current, a dozen men urged them on.

"Oh, that was the way he hid them," said the Forest Chief; "clever enough trick, too." McGinnis and Merritt followed Ben, and a couple of the men around sauntered along also. Wilbur stayed with the horses, watching the mill-hands trying to bring Peavey Jo to consciousness. They had just roused him and got him to his feet when the government party returned.

They were attempting to roll one end of it over the side of another projecting log, but were continually foiled, because the other end was jammed fast. Each bent his knees, inserting his shoulder under the projecting peavey stock, to straighten in a mighty effort. "Hire a boy!" "Get some powder of Junko!" "Have Jimmy talk it out!"

But I'd better be going and seeing after them girls and the house cleaning. They are both master hands, but if Buck Peavey was to happen to tie hisself up to the front gate, it would be good-by dust-pan and mop for Pattie. Not that I don't feel for her in the liking of that rampaging boy of Mis' Peavey's, and it's mighty hard not to kinder saunter into a little chat when the men folks call you.

Ball stroked his stained beard. "I useter," he said, reminiscently, "afore I was merried." Joe whistled idly, still watching for Hepsey. "Young feller," said Mr. Ball, again, "there's a great deal of merryin' and givin' in merriage in this here settlement, ain't there?" "Not so much as there might be." "Say, was your mother's name Elmiry Peavey?" "Yes sir," Joe answered, much surprised.

Peavey had aroused the protesting Buck at the peep of dawn, the Pikes were all up and breakfasting by the first rays of light that fell over the Ridge, and the Hoover biscuits had been baked in the Pratt oven and handed across the fence fifteen minutes agone. Down the road Mr. Petway was energetically taking down the store shutters and Mr. Mosbey was building the blacksmith shop fire.

Pattie Hoover wored shoe-tops all winter and now she's got foot-dresses and Buck Peavey for a beau." "Oh, I see," said the singer lady as she smiled down into the eager little face. "Do you think er, beaux are are desirable, Eliza?"