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"Peanuts, I suppose," answered Jim, "an' I guess I'll get at the whole story jest as quick by guessing it out myself, as by waitin' for you, Cap." The captain gave Jim a friendly nod, still no whit disturbed by the freedom of his criticisms, and rambled on again,

There is room, and cheap and fertile land, for an immense population of industrious farmers, who can live here in a mild climate, and till a fertile soil, and who need only intelligence and enterprise to raise profitably raisins, orchard fruits, castor-oil, peanuts, silk, and a dozen other products valuable in the world's commerce, and not produced elsewhere in this country so easily.

In the first day's menu it will be noted that over two pounds of apples and over one pound of whole wheat bread are recommended, also over four ounces of raw peanuts. The writer says that this food should preferably be taken in two meals.

"If Johnnie or Billie Bushytail were here now I would give them some," he said. But the squirrels were far away frisking about in the tops. Now, as true as I'm telling you, a moment after that, just as Uncle Wiggily was going past a big stone, he saw something bright and shining in the leaves. "Oh, good luck!" he cried. "I've found ten cents, and that will buy two bags of peanuts.

"No, I'm going to wrap them up in a bundle, and tie them on my back. I want my trunk to squirt water through when it gets hot, as I think the sun is going to be very scorchy to-day." So he tied the bundle of peanuts on his back, and then the two friends journeyed on together. Well, it did get very hot, and it kept on getting hotter, and there wasn't much shade.

This was Jim, who was returning from an errand; and, seeing Captain Yorke's tall figure standing by the lamp-post with an unmistakably belligerent expression in every line, he elbowed his way through the fast increasing crowd, and stood astonished and dismayed before Daisy. "Miss Daisy, whatever do you mean by this? You sellin' peanuts here in the street!"

Certainly Tuberculosis had his idiosyncrasies, and that fact often spelled trouble for both himself and his masters. Now, Peanuts had learned that his driver was always boss, and acted accordingly; but not so with Tuberculosis. He believed that his own judgment in certain matters of conduct was best.

"Good-bye, little sister of all the Winnebagos!" said Katherine, gently loosening the child's hands from her neck. Then somebody touched her on the shoulder, and, turning, she saw Slim beside her. He put something into her hands. It was a big bag of peanuts. "Eat them on the way," he said. "You're a sport!" said Katherine, laughing, and holding out her free hand to be shaken for the last time.

Peanut candy is served, and at the end peanuts are jabbed for with hat pins. For this all gather at different little tables, or turns are taken at one table, the peanuts being piled up in the center. A box of candy is given the winner. This he or she, of course, passes among the guests. This may be made not only enjoyable, but charitable as well. Rebecca sits at the Well a well of lemonade.

"The nurse in the brick house!" he repeated softly. "The one with the curly hair," went on Gwendolyn, cracking more pods. Thomas turned his face toward the side window of the school-room. Through it could be seen the chimneys of the brick house. He smacked his lips. "You like peanuts, too," said Gwendolyn. She proffered the bag. He ignored it. His look was dreamy.