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But even the testimony of Sweeney was that of an accomplice, requiring corroboration, while that of Peabody remained the evidence of "a mere policeman," eager to convict the defendant and "add another scalp to his official belt." With an extraordinary accumulation of evidence the case hinged on the veracity of these two men, to which was opposed the denial of the defendant and her husband.

"I'd like to know how," grumbled Laura, who had chosen to take the gloomy view. "We might," she added generously, after a moment's thought, "say that I broke it " "Laura dear!" cried Billie, not quite sure whether to be offended or grateful for the generous suggestion. "It's wonderful of you, of course, but you know I couldn't do that." "And there's Amanda Peabody," added Violet.

Bonner's enforced presence at Anderson Crow's home was the source of extreme annoyance to the young men of the town. "Blootch" Peabody created a frightful scandal by getting boiling drunk toward the end of the week, so great was his dejection. As it was his first real spree, he did not recover from the effect for three days.

Aunt Deel hesitated at the edge of the stable yard, surrounded as she was by the aroma of the fleshpots, then: "I guess we better go right home and save our money, Peabody ayes!" said she. "We told Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dunkelberg that we was goin' home and they'd think we was liars." "We orto have gone with `em," said Uncle Peabody as he unhitched the horses.

Peabody made another visit to the United States in 1866, and upon this occasion added large sums to many of the donations he had already made in this country. He remained here until May, 1867, when he returned to England. He came back in June, 1869, but soon sailed again for England.

Descendants of Stephen Peabody lived for some years in the parish of St. Mary's, York County. Francis Peabody, the third son, went to Miramichi where he became a prosperous merchant and a very influential citizen.

By and by we will be together and stay together. Good-by dear. Your ever loving wife, H. B. S. November 24. "I had a very pleasant reading in Peabody. While there visited the library and saw the picture of the Queen that she had painted expressly for George Peabody. It was about six inches square, enameled on gold, and set in a massive frame of solid gold and velvet.

The labium is much as in that of Perla, being broad and short, with a distinct median suture, indicating its former separation in embryonic life into a pair of appendages. The labial palpi are three-jointed, the joints being broad, and in life directed backwards instead of forwards as in the higher insects. There are five American species of the genus Lepisma in the Museum of the Peabody Academy.

My maternal aunt, Miss Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, was a very learned woman, and a great student of history, and teacher of it; and by the aid of huge, colored charts, done by my uncle Nat Peabody and hung on the walls of our sitting-room, she labored during some years to teach me all the leading dates of human history the charts being designed according to a novel and ingenious plan to fix those facts in childish memory.

She was just putting her feet into very pretty bedroom slippers when she remembered the tragedy or so it seemed to her of the day before. The long night's rest had driven from her mind all thoughts of the statue. Was it really only yesterday that she had broken it? The thing seemed to have been on her conscience forever! "Horrid old thing! I suppose she was a grind anyway, like Amanda Peabody."