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An' den, one time I'se been 'dicted for not payin' it, an' Marse Sykes tuk it up, an' I hed ter wuk out de tax an' de costs besides. Den I'se hed ter wuk de road ebbery yeah some eight er ten days, an' den wuk nigh 'bout ez many more fer my grub while I wuz at it. Oh, I knows 'bout poll-tax, I does!

Chadwick Champneys's long, drooping mustache came up under his nose, and his bushy eyebrows twitched. "I am not trying to sell anything," he said hurriedly, in order to prevent her from shutting the door in his face, which was her evident intention. She said impatiently: "If you're collectin', this ain't our day for payin', an' you got to call again. Come next week, on Tuesday.

"What you imparts is scarce encouragin. If this yere Rainey ain't no improvement onto you, I absolootely weakens on him an' turns aside from all relations of his proposin'. I'm in mighty bad report as the game stands, an' I tharfore insists ag'in on payin' for my own war medicine, as bein' a move necessary to protect my attitoodes before the public."

It's real good medicine that the doctor left you, an' father's payin' consid'able for it. The doctor thinks it's goin' to make you well," said Caleb, who was looking on anxiously. "Open your mouth and take it!" said Deborah, sternly. She presented the spoon at Ephraim as if it were a bayonet and there were death at the point. "Oh, mother," whimpered Ephraim.

"The Waalderf an' the Congress, but the Waalderf ain't done a sight of business since we got pro'bition in the State an' has kinder got run down. I reckon the Congress'll suit you best if you ain't against payin' a mite more, which I reckon you ain't for I see you come down in the parler car." "And what," asked Madison, "does the Congress charge?"

When I was in New York last, a cousin of mine, Hezekiah Slick, said to me, I do believe Sam, I shall be ruined; I've lost all my custom, they are widening and improving the streets, and there's so many carts and people to work in it, folks can't come to my shop to trade, what on airth shall I do, and I'm payin a dreadful high rent too?

Louis and the Allen Purchase like historical twins, I'm goin' to spend on the Exposition of Josiah Allen jest the amount paid for the other original purchase, and I may, for there is no tellin' what a Allen may do when his blood is rousted up, I may swing right out and pay jest the same amount St. Louis is payin' for her Exposition."

He'd rock it be th' hour on his knees, an' talk nonsense to it, an' sing it songs, 'Aha, 'twas there I met a maiden, an' 'Th' Wicklow Mountaineer, an' 'Th' Rambler fr'm Clare, an' 'O'Donnel Aboo, croonin' thim in th' little babby's ears, an' payin' no attintion to th' poorin' thunder above his head, day an' night, day an' night, poor soul.

Oh, mammy! they're gunter snake th' ole house through the village to-morrer, an' we're all gunter have a ride! free gratis for nothin'! 'thout payin' for 't neither! A'n't we, Bill?" Mrs. Williams sits right down, overcome by the surprise. "Now I want to know if that 'ere 's so!" "That's what't looks like now," says Mr. Williams. "We're goin' to be sot opposite Mr. Gingerford's."

"I ain't had any trouble with him, because he spends a heap of time lettin' me alone. But there's no manner of doubt that Joe rides the boys too hard." The drover dismissed the subject and turned to Thursday. "Want a job?" "Mebbe so." "I need another man. Since you sabe the ways of the 'Paches I can use you to scout ahead for us." "What you payin'?" "Fifty a month." "You've hired a hand."