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This guinea was a very seasonable relief to us, who were reduced to great necessity, six of my shirts, and almost all my clothes, except those on my back, having been either pawned or sold for our maintenance before this happened.

And suddenly he was aware that he was hungry; ay, even through the tortures of the cold, even through the frosts of despair, a gross, desperate longing after food, no matter what, no matter how, began to wake and spur him. Suppose he pawned his watch? But no, on Christmas-day this was Christmas-day! the pawnshop would be closed.

"You don't know what it means!" repeated Simon Rich in a sarcastic tone. "Probably not. I understand it." "Do you think I stole a watch and pawned it, Mr. Rich?" demanded Andy, with spirit. "There seems to be absolute proof of your dishonesty. Will you explain how, otherwise, this pawn ticket is found in your pocket?" "I can't explain it, nor can I understand it.

Two days later he had pawned his surgical instruments redeemed and repawned his watch on more favourable terms and was rejoiced to find himself still the possessor of ten shillings. He remained stout of heart his faith in Providence still his strong comfort and the Vickery family, though he must have been constantly in their debt, were unfailingly kind and hospitable.

My hands were my only resources from day to day; my working tools, and every article of furniture in the house, to the last blanket, the last shirt, and my wife's last shawl, have been pawned at the broker's, to enable us to keep the breath of life in us. We have now neither a stick of wood to burn, nor a morsel to eat!"

I had to sleep with my boots under my head every night, to prevent them from being stolen and twice they were stolen from my tent, but in each case recovered at the sutler's, where they had been pawned for a bottle of brandy peaches, which I had to pay for to redeem the boots.

In a day or two she would have nothing, and what would happen then? When she returned to London to begin a new life, now nearly a year ago, she had sold some and pawned the rest of such possessions as would in future be useful to her.

"Was it? Well, I've forgotten." "We find that it has been pawned for five-and-twenty." "A little less than half," said Algernon. "Pawnbrokers are simply cheats." "They mayn't be worse than others," the man observed. Algernon was exactly in the position where righteous anger is the proper weapon, if not the sole resource. He flushed, but was not sure of his opportunity for the explosion.

The Count de la Grinche was just about to sign; when the Marshal de Villars, stepping up to him, said, "Captain, do you know who the president of the court of Arras, yonder, is? It is old Manasseh, the fence, of Brussels. I pawned a gold watch to him, which I stole from Cadogan, when I was with Malbrook's army in Flanders." Here the Duc de la Roche Guyon came forward, very much alarmed.

"And those were pawned in Auburn," said Sam. "Just wait and see if I am not right." A party was organized to hunt for Caven, and the captain himself went to Auburn that very evening. The hunt for the missing boy proved unsuccessful, and it may be added here that he never turned up at Putnam Hall again nor at his home in Middletown, having run away to the West.