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Not until he had gone did Bessie open her hand and look at the crumpled bill that Paw Hoover had left in it. And then, to her amazed delight, she saw that it was a five-dollar note more money than she had ever had. She showed it to Wanaka. "I oughtn't to take it," she said. "He thinks I burned his woodshed and "

"I am going," said Whiskerandos, "to take you where there are cats so huge that one could take a man's head in her mouth, or strike him dead by a blow of her paw!" "Oh, for my shed! Oh, for my quiet hole! for Furry, and Oddity, and my peaceable companions!" thought

Just as he put up one paw to push the gate open, a low but decidedly ugly growl made him jump back with every hair of his coat standing on end. His first thought was of Bowser. It must be that Bowser had returned! Believing in safety first, Reddy did not stop to see who had growled, but ran swiftly a short distance. Then he looked behind him.

Scott merely saw a vagrant dog trying to paw his way through a deep drift that lay across the road. He had a fellow feeling for the dog, when he gave up his effort and, sitting down in the ruins of his tunnel, abandoned himself to the contemplation of a flea.

"Y' watch 'im!" he barked, and the three turned around to look, with no clear conception of what it was they were expected to watch. The burro jerked its head up, then bent to sniff at the thin curl of powder smoke rising from amongst the cans. Paw and Hank and Joe were lifted some inches from the ground with the explosion. They came down in a hail of gravel, tin cans and fragments of burro.

Coeur gazed around with the ominous glare Of the lion deprived of the lion's share, A look there was no mistaking, A look which the courtiers never saw Without a sudden desire to draw Away from the sweep of the lion's paw Before their bones were aching.

"Nero," cried young Jack. The monkey ran up at the word. "Give us your arm, Nero." And so drawing a paw under each of their arms, they promenaded the deck, these three young monkeys together, to the great amusement and delight of the sailors generally. "Why, Joe!" said Sam Mason, "he looks as great a swell as the port admiral." "Port admiral! As the first lord himself."

And yet it all might have been averted all this solicitude about the future. Had Mrs. Bolivar Bowers taken out a policy in my company, the International Mutual Tontine Life Insurance Company of Paw Paw, Indiana, the aspect to-day would have been different, and Bolivar Bowers and his callow brood of little Bowerses would have reason to bless the rod that smote them.

"I declare!" cried Andy, springing to his feet, "if it isn't the bear. Now how in the world did he get loose?" Andy stood for a moment staring in wonder after the disappearing animal. It was certainly Big Bob. The animal was fully familiar to Andy. The beast wobbled to one side as it ran, and this the boy discerned was due to the sore paw. He was a fugitive, and his escape had been discovered.

She stood, with one paw delicately held up above the topmost step. 'I don't know this man, she seemed to say, 'and I don't like his looks. Hughs grinned. "I never hurt a dumb animal," he said; "come on, tykie!" Stimulated by a word she had never thought to hear, Miranda descended rapidly. 'He meant that for impudence, thought Hilary as he walked away. "Westminister, sir? Oh dear!"