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"Come, come!" said peace-loving Mrs. We mustn't let 'em see us squabblin'. They think we're a lot o' cacklin' hens anyway, tickled to death over a piece o' chalk. There's Isabel, now. She's goin' to look like her aunt Mary Ellen, over to Saltash." Isabel preceded the men, who were pausing for a word at the door, and went down the aisle to her pew.

On the stairs he met his sister Kitty looking as cross as himself. 'What's the matter with you? he asked, pausing a minute, for misery loves company. 'Mamma will make me dress up in a stiff clean frock, and have my hair curled over again just because some one may come. I want to play in the garden, and I can't all fussed up this way.

"'Find me a sure man to negotiate with Moreau; for the Army of the Rhine will be our sole resource, cried Carnot, who had been plunged in meditation. "Ah!" said de Marsay, pausing, "those men were right. They were grand in this crisis. I should have done as they did"; then he resumed his narrative. "'Messieurs! cried Sieyes, in a grave and solemn tone.

At the first word a shudder passed over her whole frame; but pausing to regain her self-control, she began: "When I was nineteen years old, I was living in an Eastern city, in one of the happiest homes within its limits. A rich and tender father, with a loving and gentle mother, and as bright and true a brother as ever a sister could want, were my companions in the delightful home of my childhood.

Fleetwood, sir. … Mr. ." A bow, and the dim eyes peering up at Plank, who stood fumbling for his card-case. Fleetwood dropped both cards on the salver unsteadily extended. The butler ushered them into a dim room on the right. "How is Mr. Siward?" asked Fleetwood, pausing on the threshold and dropping his voice.

"How dreadfully disagreeable you are, Maria! It's too bad, I declare! I believe you do it on purpose there!" "Do what on purpose? What in the world do you mean?" cried Mrs. Leslie, pausing, sugar-tongs in hand. "You know what I mean!" exclaimed Kate, scarcely able to suppress a sob. "I declare I do not. This is some fad about Doctor Brudenell, I suppose," said the elder sister, resignedly.

Francezka played some other airs, lightly, gracefully, softly, pausing between them, meditating, with one hand on the keys of the harpsichord, and the other hanging down. The hand that hung down moved a little, as if in the act of patting a dog's head. I was reminded of poor Bold it was as if Francezka were thinking of this lost friend.

A broad ray of light fell into the garret, and showed the workman with an unfinished shoe upon his lap, pausing in his labour. His few common tools and various scraps of leather were at his feet and on his bench. He had a white beard, raggedly cut, but not very long, a hollow face, and exceedingly bright eyes.

This Peace and Allee did not know, however, for with chattering teeth and trembling limbs, they had fled to the refuge of their room, pausing only long enough to drop their borrowed finery where they had found it; and they were crawling underneath the covers once more when Peace hissed sharply in her sister's ear, "What about the horses?"

He hemm'd twice or thrice Why, Madam why, Madam, I cannot say then pausing and rising from his seat with petulance; I see plainly enough, said he, the reason why none of my proposals can be accepted: at last I am to be a sacrifice to your reconciliation with your implacable family. It has always been your respectful way, Mr. Lovelace, to treat my family in this free manner.