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"Yes, I understand. And now, may I beg that for the rest of your natural life" here she paused, and bit her lip in vexation that the unlucky phrase had escaped her "you will speak of this no more?" "Mrs. We walked again in silence. Passing the captain's cabin, we saw a number of gentlemen gathered about the door, while others were inside. We paused, to find what the incident was.

I shall see again the times when the Damiens, in the name of the parliaments, as one party says, in the name of the Jesuits, as the other party says, and, what is more true, in the name " The king suddenly paused; a deep shade of melancholy settled on his features, his noble head dropped on his bosom. Louis XV remained for some time motionless; at length,

She paused, and then, looking the old woman in the face, added, "I ought to tell you that he and I have become great friends." Miss Quisanté had stopped laughing; now she made a gesture which seemed to indicate that she washed her hands of any responsibility. But she appeared fretful and disturbed.

He paused and tremblingly awaited her reply. The Countess remained silent. Hermann fell upon his knees.

When this had been the state of her affairs some time, she suddenly paused, and taking a retrospective view of what had passed, inquired within herself, why it was that, for all her unwearied labors, she had nothing to show; why it was that others, with much less care and labor, could hoard up treasures for themselves and children?

Here the slave left the girl, and Dilama went through the curtains alone. She mounted the steps and passed through the door. All was quite silent here, and the passage unlighted, except that through a tiny window high up above her head a streak of moonlight fell across her way. Dilama paused oppressed, she knew not by what feeling.

"She stops uncle Anthony when he's just ready, father," said Rhoda. "Do you want to know?" Anthony set his small eyes on her: "do you want to know, my dear?" He paused, fingering his glass, and went on: "I, Susan, take thee, William John, and you've come of it.

He paused again, observing his companion keenly but stealthily. He was not able to look her fully in the face. "Speak out plainly," said Mrs. Dinneford, with visible impatience.

"It's coming," he gasped, turned and ran; and Compton felt no shame in running after. They flew from the dark pool and its nameless horror; but when from the height they paused breathless and gasping to look down, there was no stain, or blot, or ripple on its calm face. "Ugh!" said Compton, "it looks what it is Deadman's Pool."

At the door he paused and listened; then he opened it, and the floods of the white night poured in upon him as he stood with his eyes turned to where the cold, pale flashes of the aurora were playing over the pole. There came to him the hissing, saddening song of the northern lights a song of vast, unending loneliness, which they two had come to know as the music of the skies.