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By this time the small boat was under the big guns of the San Paulo, and the prisoners were ordered, in broken English, to mount a companion ladder that hung over the side. In a short time they were on deck, amid a crowd of sailors, and they could see the boat going back to bring off the admiral, who signaled from the submarine.

"'Extremely well; no one has inhabited it for a century at least; it is half in ruins, signor. A queer place to hire; I hope the rent is not heavy. "'Maestro Paulo, said he, 'I am a philosopher, and don't care for luxuries. I want a quiet retreat for some scientific experiments.

She had folded her hands over her breast, directly over the place where the papers confided to her by Paulo, in a little silken bag, always hung suspended by a golden chain. "Grant, O my God," prayed she "grant that I may keep my promise to Paulo, and that I may defend these papers with my life!"

By this means Ortelius joined the Nile to the Zaire or Rio Congo, and the Vistula to the Wolga and the Dnieper. The inhabitants have great dogs, en los quales quando se mudan cargan su menage. See the maps of Hondius, and Paulo de Forlani.

It seemed that the Professor was a very studious person and that he would take all his meals by himself, as he pursued the study of folk-lore even at his meals, and wished not to have his attention in the least disturbed during the process. 'What an impassioned scholar! said Miss Paulo.

Paulo to keep salt for many days in a solid state, which was not the case at Ega, when the baskets in which it is contained were well wrapped in leaves.

"I will defend the possession of these papers, if necessary, with my life!" "And thereby will you defend your honor," said Paulo, "for your honor rests in these papers. Yet ask me not what they contain. You must not yet know; there is danger in knowing their contents!

I was much impressed by this unexpected exhibition; evidently this species of armadillo only curls up as a last resort, and ordinarily trusts to its speed, and to the protection its build and its armor give it while running, in order to reach its burrow or other place of safety. Twice, while laying railway tracks near Sao Paulo, Kermit had accidentally dug up armadillos with a steam-shovel.

"No, no, I am not mistaken," he returned. "He shall not escape. I saw him at San Paulo with these eyes when did they ever deceive me? If you refuse to assist me, then go one of you to the Alcalde's house and tell him to come without delay, while I keep guard here." After a little discussion one of the men offered to go and inform the Alcalde.

She then implores to be allowed to read them, and Joseph Ribas grants her the desired permission. With trembling hands she breaks the seal and reads by the light of a torch held up for her. A melancholy smile flits over her features, and her arms fall powerless. "Ah, they are the proofs of my imperial descent, nothing further. How little is that, Paulo!"