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They had been under way for five or six hours when the tardy daylight came, but even thereafter Doret continued to run with his hand upon his sled. Seldom did he ride, and then only for a moment or two when the going was best. For the most part he maintained a steady, swinging trot that kept pace with the pattering feet ahead of him and caused the miles rapidly to drop behind.

They opened the door cautiously, and found that the wind, conquered by the rain, had abated. Miss Wilson's candle, though it flickered in the draught, was not extinguished this time; and she was presently left with the housekeeper, bolting and chaining the door, and listening to the crunching of feet on the gravel outside dying away through the steady pattering of the rain.

The raindrops are pattering madly against the window-panes, through the barren branches of the elms the wind is shrieking, now rising far above the heads of the tallest trees, now descending to the very bosom of the earth, and, flying over it, drives before its mighty breath all such helpless things as are defenceless and at its mercy.

Bread and butter and sliced tomatoes with sugar and vinegar better than all the ice cream that ever was! Childhood ambrosia! For mercy's sake, let's get in before all the wings are gone!" They entered the huge dining room with its pattering Chinese boys entered it laughing while all the time there was at bottom a single identical thought the father. Would they see him again?

I am really longing to be off. Do you know what I shall hear when I go over there? a sound I am longing for." "What?" "The rain. I close my eyes now and fancy I hear it pattering on the leaves. Oh, the music of it! One is never long without it at home. We've had six weeks without rain here. Can't you imagine the soft, delicious downpour of it? The music of the rain my ears hunger for it."

And they were so thickly interlaced and grown with leaves, that although this first slow-falling rain of the storm could be distinctly heard in its noisy pattering on those leaves, very little came through them, save an extra large and splashing drop every now and then.

The rustle of the poplar leaves about the house worried her, it sounded so like pattering raindrops, and the full, faraway roar of the gulf, to which she listened delightedly at other times, loving its strange, sonorous, haunting rhythm, now seemed like a prophecy of storm and disaster to a small maiden who particularly wanted a fine day. Anne thought that the morning would never come.

Poor Mangrove at this time was pattering close to my heels, and I could hear him chuckling and laughing to himself. "What dis can be I say, Sneezer" to his never failing companion "what you tink, John Canoe after Spanish fashion, it mosh be, eh?" The dog began to jump and gambol about. "Ah," continued the black pilot, "no doubt it must be John Canoe I may dance why not eh? oh, yes I shall dance."

Once with her he thought all would be well. Yet as he stood on the doorstep he had a strange reluctance to go. It was a drear, gray, miserable day, with sleet pattering against the carriage windows. Robert Molyneux sat with his head bent almost to his knees, and his hands clenched. What face was it rose against his mind, continually blotting out the fair and sweet face of his love?

Man is the animal that has made friends with the fire. All the other creatures, in their natural state, are afraid of it. They look upon it with wonder and dismay. It fascinates them, sometimes, with its glittering eyes in the night. The squirrels and the hares come pattering softly towards it through the underbrush around the new camp.