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"Chocolate!" said papa Karl with some scorn, "bribing them for the sake of peace." They were children, she said. Had papa Karl forgotten that he, too, had once been a child? Papa Karl had forgotten this trifling circumstance but he magnanimously declared he forgave them all. There was a pattering of feet down the entry, and three tear-stained faces looked timidly in.

"I'm certain I marked the villain," he said to himself. "I'm sure, by the way he hollered out, he's got summat with him as he'll remember me by." But all was still, except the howling of the wind and the pattering and splashing of the driving rain. Then he made his way to the large tent which the brothers, his companions, all occupied in common.

Every few minutes, all night long, he'd come pattering and whining round the door of the tent didn't come in, seemed just trying to ask how things were coming. He was like a child, lonesome and grieving." It was long after dark when they entered the canon just above the cabin, and Wetherford was shivering from cold and weakness.

Harry heard bullets whistling sinister little threats in his ear as they passed, and he heard other bullets pattering on the trees or the earth. They alarmed him more than the huge cannon thundering away from the other side of the river. But the fog, although thin, was still enough to make the aim of the skirmishers bad, and General Jackson and his staff went on their way unhurt.

And again he pictured to himself the time when animals would not be killed, pictured it clearly and distinctly as though he were living through that time himself; but suddenly it was all in a tangle again in his head and all was muddled. The thunderstorm had passed over, but from the edges of the storm-clouds came rain softly pattering on the roof.

As Georgina went back and forth from table to shelf it was in unconscious imitation of Mrs. Triplett's brisk manner. Pattering after that capable housekeeper on her busy rounds as persistently as Georgina had done all her life, had taught her to move in the same way. Presently she discovered that there was a fire laid in the little wood stove ready to light.

A quarter of an hour later Henri de Montorgueil was wending his way back to the hiding place which had sheltered him and his father for so long. Silence and darkness then held undisputed sway once more around the hollow tree. Even the rain had ceased its gentle pattering. Anon from far away came the sound of a church bell striking the hour of ten. Then nothing more.

"Brutes!" muttered the captain; and then he sprang up in a rage, for a shower of stones came pattering into the boat, and splashing up the water all round. He was so enraged by the insult, that he ordered the marines to load, and a volley of twelve rifles was fired over the people's heads.

The old quiet, the old comfort of home. Not a sound but that of pattering rain in the still night. As always, the room smelt of lavender, blended with that indescribable fragrance which comes of extreme cleanliness in an old country house.

The banker's senses were sharpened by fear, but they were not so sharp as those of Darvil; he heard nothing but the rain pattering on the leaves, and the rush of water in the ditch at hand.