United States or French Southern Territories ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But Virginia made an excuse; it was Patten's case and after what had occurred between herself and Patten she had no intention of so much as seeming to overstep the professional lines. The following day, however, she did go to see him. Patten himself, stiff and boorish, asked her to.

Then as Edith hesitated still, he demanded: "Pass it over at once." "Now sit down here and tell me the whole story. Why did you put that book in Kit Patten's desk?" Edith started to deny that she had done so, then decided to be perfectly silent. Finally after an hour, during which time the principal made threats of expulsion, the girl finally broke down and confessed.

We shall be late if we don't hurry." Miss Patten's house stood in a big garden which ran nearly to the water's edge. The schoolroom opened on each side to broad piazzas, and there was always the pleasant fragrance of flowers in the big airy room. Sylvia was sure that no one could be more beautiful than Miss Patten.

He remained at West Point until December, when he was removed to Haverstraw by the orders of General McDOUGALL, and had the command of a brigade, consisting of Malcolm's regiment, and a portion of Spencer's and Patten's regiments. He was subsequently ordered to take command on the lines in Westchester county, a most important and not less perilous post. In December, he received from Mrs.

"Doctor Patten's boy, Jonas, told them, most likely; but when and where they picked him up beats me. I can't imagine what they want, either; but I will open the door for them as readily as I would for Jack," replied Marcy; and, as his mother turned into the parlor with the lamp, he went down the hall to the front door. "Are you Marcy Gray, the pilot?" inquired Mr.

Fulton had hired in the beautiful southern city, and the two little girls had become fast friends. They both attended Miss Patten's school. Usually Grace's black mammy, Esther, escorted them to and from Miss Patten's, but on this morning in early October they were allowed to go by themselves.

The descent was more uncomfortable than the ascent, and we were compelled a good deal of the way to lead the jaded horses down the slippery rocks. From the peak to the Widow Patten's, where we proposed to pass the night, is twelve miles, a distance we rode or scrambled down, every step of the road bad, in five and a half hours.

It was Doctor Patten's negro boy Jonas. He lay flat behind some obstruction near the water's edge, and took in the whole scene as if it had been a review arranged for his especial benefit. He saw the waters of the Sound splash as the heavy anchors were dropped into them, and could even hear the shrill tones of the boatswains' pipes.

He said that South Carolina was a Sovereign State," she concluded. "What's that? What's a 'sovereign'?" questioned Sylvia. Grace shook her head. It had sounded like a very fine thing when her father had spoken it, so she had repeated it with great pride. "We can ask Miss Rosalie," she suggested. Mammy Esther left the girls at the gate of Miss Patten's garden.

Pitt and Fox, and their respective followers then left the house, leaving the ministerial party and the Grenville party to decide the fate of Patten's resolutions, which were negatived by 275 votes against 34. A comparison of the figures of the two divisions, allowing for tellers, gives as the voting strength of Pitt's party 58, of Grenville's 36, of Fox's 22, and of Addington's 277.