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From the centre of one of the burning patches they saw a riderless horse gallop out, stop for a moment with his head almost between its fore-legs, shake himself furiously, and gallop blindly on again. "It's Lenora's horse!" Laura cried. "She must have been thrown. Come!" Laura would have turned her horse, but the Professor checked her. "Let us wait for Quest," he advised. "They are close here."

Here and there were clumps of trees and patches of rough grass, and that was all. "The farming country is further down, in the valleys," answered Tom Dillon. "Some pretty good soil, too. But up this way it's only good for mining. But that's good enough if you've got a paying mine," and his kindly eyes twinkled. "You bet!" replied Dave, slangily.

Honorable Patches. Patches, this is Professor Parkhill." "Phil," murmured Kitty, "how can you?" The Professor was gazing at Patches as though fascinated. And Patches, his weather-beaten face as grave as the face of a wooden Indian, stared back at the Professor with a blank, open-mouthed and wild-eyed expression of rustic wonder that convulsed Phil and made Kitty turn away to hide a smile. "Howdy!

The next morning the boat proceeded to the town, which is distant about ten miles. We followed the course of the river, occasionally passing a few hovels, and patches of ground cleared out of the otherwise unbroken forest; and sometimes meeting a canoe with an Indian family.

A few days' exploring showed me that only some small patches of forest remained for miles wound, and the result was a scarcity of insects and a very limited variety of birds, which obliged me to change my locality.

These were whitewashed and presented a strong contrast to the general red of the ground and lower walls. These patches marked the places of graves. The whole palace, in fact, appeared to be little better than a cemetery and a slaughterhouse in one. A guard was placed over the palace, and here, as elsewhere through the town, looting was strictly forbidden.

"They look just like the big sunbonnets that Grandma Bascom always wore when she went out to feed her hens, don't they, Jasper?" "Precisely," he said, bursting into a laugh. "How you always do see funny things, Polly." "And see what queer patches there are all up and down the sides of some of them," cried Polly. "Whatever can they be, Jasper?" "Oh, those are the advertisements," said Jasper.

There was a clang of a bell, and immediately he was aware of a sense of faint sickness as the car dropped in a glorious swoop, and he staggered a little as he grasped his rugs together. When he looked again the motion seemed to have ceased; he could see towers ahead, a line of house-roofs, and beneath he caught a glimpse of a road and more roofs with patches of green between.

The boys turned in at once, but next morning, on going to the barn, they found that Si had not only sewed on and hemmed the smoke-flaps, but had resewn the worst of the patches and hemmed the whole bottom of the teepee cover with a small rope in the hem, so that they were ready now for the pins and poles. The cover was taken at once to the camp ground. Yan carried the axe.

After a few seconds, far away on the heath, a light cloud of dust rose into the air, as if a giant's hand had stirred up the sand, and immediately afterwards almost at the same moment all the dark patches disappeared in a dense grey cloud of smoke.