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There is fun in her, too, though not on the surface. You may always feel as though she were a beautiful picture or poem but you won't like her the less for that. She's not stand-offish. She's just different. My dear, I felt a drop." "So did I. And there's another." Straightway the heavens opened and a deluge descended, most of it, it seemed, aiming for the small rowboat at the pasture's edge.

Some of those spoken to wheeled their horses and rode away. The others settled themselves in their saddles and began to roll cigarettes. "Change horses; get something to eat," said he to me; so I swung after the file traveling at a canter over the low swells beyond the plain. The remuda had been driven by its leaders to a corner of the pasture's wire fence, and there held.

"You mean to say the whole pasture's full of it?" "Not likely, but it looks to me as if there was a-plenty. There were traces back there where we stopped, and there's no telling how many more " "But I didn't see nothin'," interrupted Bud in surprise. "You weren't looking for it, that's why," shrugged Stratton. "I was.

Leivers; "it's a nice little place, if only it weren't for the rabbits. The pasture's bitten down to nothing. I dunno if ever I s'll get the rent off it." He clapped his hands, and the field broke into motion near the woods, brown rabbits hopping everywhere. "Would you believe it!" exclaimed Mrs. Morel. She and Paul went on alone together. "Wasn't it lovely, mother?" he said quietly.

Ten to fifteen acres were sufficient to graze a steer the year round, but owing to the fact that we depended entirely on running water, much of the range would be valueless during the dry summer months. I readily understood the advantages of a half-stocked range, and expected in the future to allow twenty-five acres in the summer and thirty in the winter to the pasture's holdings.

But the most virile of all the pasture's personalities is that of the red cedar. When the keen autumn winds blow and toss the plumes of these Indian chieftains they wrap their olive green blankets but the closer about them and seem to stalk the mossy levels in dignity or gather in erect, silent groups to discuss weighty affairs of the tribe.

And as Chieftain recalled these things the contrast of the pasture's oppressive stillness to the lively roar of the familiar streets came home to him. Who was taking his place between the poles of Team 47? Had they put one of those cheeky Clydes in his old stall? He would not care to lose that stall. It was the best on the second floor.

The pride of life may call, but I can't answer. The great prizes are not for me. I'm too heavily handicapped. I was looking at that young fellow, Decies, to-night and considering his chances as against my own Oh! I know there's wealth in plenty. The pasture's green enough to make many a man covet it, and the stall's well bedded-down. I don't complain. Only mother, you know I know.