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The very gold and silver fish, set forth among these choice fruits in a bowl, though members of a dull and stagnant-blooded race, appeared to know that there was something going on; and, to a fish, went gasping round and round their little world in slow and passionless excitement.

There was a death-like, cold, passionless manner about the utterance of these words, as if they were spoken mechanically, and came from no human lips. Flora heard them, and yet scarcely comprehended them; she stepped slowly back till she reached a chair, and there she held for support.

She looked out of the window across the snowy landscape, and in her face was something of the passionless purity of the scene upon which her eyes rested. "You are mistaken," he cried fiercely. "Because you have seen him several times in that condition, you have no right to draw such a conclusion.

And presently up came the moon in glory and I stared up at her as one does who may behold her perhaps for the last time. Calm and serene she arose, and as I walked amid this tender light, I seemed to breathe in something of her passionless serenity and knew a strange exaltation of mind, placid and untroubled.

The stock may be rudimentary, but the outlook is spacious; it is the passionless outlook of the sage. A child is ready to embrace the universe. And, unlike adults, he is never afraid to face his own limitations.

Beautiful, passionless as always, but strangely closer, warmer, speaking a kinder language, helpful as they had never been, teaching her now that regret was futile, revealing to her in their one grand, blazing task the supreme duty of life to be true. Those shining stars made her yield.

The events of the evening had stirred him as he had not been stirred since those early days of torment, of undignified oscillation between yearning and despair: and now, at last, love unsteadied for the first time the foundations of his pride; brought home to him the cardinal truth that all the beauty and terror of life spring from the inexorable law of duality that links man and woman, act and consequence, with the same passionless unconcern.

One had to say something if only to assert oneself against that wearisome, passionless and crushing uproar. She raised her eyes for a moment. No, she was not. Not very. She had not walked all the way. She came by train as far as Whitechapel Station and had only walked from there. She had had an ugly pilgrimage; but whether of love or of necessity who could tell?

Salvation is the discovery of the illusion; and this discovery is the victory over it; for no one fears the lion's skin, however much he may fear the lion. This discovery secures the dropping back from the little, limited, individual self-line, into the infinite passionless, thoughtless, and motionless existence of the absolute being, Nirvana.

I miss the Dresden Gallery very much, and it makes me sad to think that I shall never look at the face of the Sistine Madonna again, that picture beyond all pictures in the world, in which the artist certainly did get to heaven and painted a face which was never seen on earth so pathetic, so gentle, so passionless, so prophetic. . . . There are a few good Rubenses here, but the great wealth of that master is in Antwerp.